I have two that I'm willing to share...my ass still bears the scar from my four-year-old self, playing hide-n-seek in my uncle's abandoned cabin. I'd shuffled down behind a piece of plywood and there was a broken bottle there waiting for my tender little butt. The most embarassing part of that was the extraction. All the aunts, cousins, and uncles wanted to be in on it for some reason, and I was a very modest little girl! The other injury is from the cat in my avatar. I really should have known better knowing his high-strung, siamese nature. He was curled up all cuddly and asleep beside me one night while I watched a movie. I looked down at his cute little self and couldn't resist planting a kiss on his head, as I had done (and still do!) many times before. He must have been in some sort of nightmare because he tore into my upper lip with such ferocity that I still hear the crunch. He opened up my upper lip almost completely through. I waited in the emergency room for almost six hours and then asked for some tape to put my lip back together, since I needed to go to work in two hours. (Thanks Health Canada, by the way!) I still have the scar, of course...I tell myself it's kinda cute. har! So many people have told me that they would have 'thrown the cat in the river'. The fact that that thought never entered my head makes me proud. I really am an animal lover. It was my fault, not his, after all. I think the people who have said they would throw 'the cat' in the river are mother fuckers...my personal opinion, of course.
Your Most Embarrassing Injury!
by whyamihere 75 Replies latest jw friends
Brooke, KLS ... now THAT'S funny!
kaethra.....cat......looks more like a panther...with at least 3 ears..im surprised it didnt swipe ya head off
Hmm ... this isn't an injury but was still embarrassing ... my first day at work after getting together with my now-husband I turned up with stubble rash all over my face (red, welts) and a huge hickey on the side of my neck. I got lots of comments that day & felt very very embarrassed ... Now I have a huge range of polo-neck jumpers & my husband has grown a beard!!
I am a police officer in the Uk, about 8 months ago I got stabbed.. guess where? In the ass.
Imagine the jokes at work.
BTW I read your topics 'cos of pic. If that is you, you are foxxy!
OMG, is this post still alivei thought by now this would be buried in the Archives ( how embarriskin )