Ooh yeah, that's bad. I know someone that happened to once (AHEM) but it wasn't quite so bad that she had to go to the doctor, it was just red and uncomfortable and I--I mean she---couldn't wear her contacts for a while.
Your Most Embarrassing Injury!
by whyamihere 75 Replies latest jw friends
Oooh..these are so funny!
I was about 9, and I decided to try to jump over the bathtub side to get out. Not sure where I got that stupid idea. I tripped, hit my chin on the toilet and bit my tongue. It bled for hours and wouldn't stop.
I burned my stomach on the oven door when I was pregnant with my second son. I reached back to move something off the back burner and it took me a little bit to realize my stomach was in searing pain. I went to the ER, where they all laughed at me and kept bringing in more people to look at what I had done (this was in Germany). The baby was fine, but the mark was there until I delivered and I had to keep explaining what had happened.
Oh, and this isn't embarrassing, but those with kids will see the cuteness of it. When I was pregnant with my youngest son, my one son was 4 years old. One day, he wanted to rub my stomach. When I lifted my shirt, his eyes got huge. He noticed all the stretch marks that had appeared almost overnight. He said "Oh my God, Mommy, we have to get you to the hospital right NOW! The baby is trying to SCRATCH his way out!" He ran to get the phone to call my husband. It was so funny! -
I slipped on the ice once getting into my car and slipped underneath it
i cut myself shaving
blood everywhere...real deep cuts all over my face
wasnt even in a hurry..either...not like a had a big date or public talk or anything
mind you i was only 5 at the time
jt stumbler
In 8th grade, I was playing softball in PE. We were playing on the football field so no backstops. I was standing there rooting on my team mate when he swung and let go of the bat. The only thing I say was the grip of the bat as it hit me just above the left eye. I saw blood and started running around like a chicken bleeding all over. The coach had to chase me down and take me to the nurse.
Well we all know what the money shot is right?
Yippie, i am feeling like i need a shower thanks Brooke
When I was a kid I liked to ride my tenspeed around my neighborhood. My friend and I were out riding our tenspeeds and we decided to go to an old private school which had alot of really cool hills in the parking lot. We would love to zip as fast as we could at breakneck speed going down the hills of the school.
It was just getting dark and things weren't as clear as they could have been. I started to pick up speed and just about then I heard my friend shout something, but I couldn't make out what he said. Just as I heard my friend shout something I slammed into a chain that had been set up between the school building and a post on the right hand side. My tenspeed whacked into the chain as I was speeding down the hill and rode up over my bike and smacked me square in the chest. The bike kept going down the hill, while I was unceremoniously slammed down into the pavement.
I had the wind knocked out of me and several scrapes and bruises across my arms and chest where the chain hit me. My bike was OK, thank God . I was going so fast that the chain was ripped out from the posts on either side. The school officials were probably wondering what happened when they saw the chain snapped the next day. The score was chain 1, me 0.
Mr. Shakita
heheh these are great. My most embarrasing injury would have to be bout at least over 12 years ago. Alot of us in the congo used to go on skiing trips. Since ive been skiing since i was 4 i used to think i was a pro and of course all the other bro and sis wernt as good. So i decided to show off and go down the mountain really fast, but once i got to the bottom i couldnt stop and skiied into a rock and my face hit a tree stump.....needless to say i spent the rest of the day in first aid room heheh :) es
Oh, fun, some great stories, LOL
Okay, around eleven I was once masturbating so hard I tore myself a little. I was in the bathroom, and blood went EVERYWHERE. As I cleaned up and covered, it wasn't embaressing, but oh, the fear!
Then, whilst riding over a jump on horse-back, I thought the horse was going to refuse the jump. I'd not ridden her before, and she really 'gathered' herself on her rear quarters as the jump for what seemed like forever, so I sat back, thinking she'd turn. She then cleared the jump perfectly, leaving me in the dust on the other side. Much merriment amongst riding companions, but I could generally be counted on to entertain on horse back.
More recently I tore my frenulum so badly through over-enthusiastic slam-$ucking and had to have plastic surgery as it wouldn't heal.
Oh, and yes, it's not only girls who get blisters on their tonuges. On one particular occasion the lady enjoying herself was a little bristley (normally shaving herself). That took a few days to heal. And another time, whilst seeing the same girl, now I think of it, I 'got-off' with another girl. We snogged so hard she ended up biting me on my lip.
I woke up to a massive swollen lip and had to come up with some cock-and-bull story about snapping myself in the face with a luggage elastic to cover with the girl I was seeing. Idiot (me, not her).
And passing out whilst saying good bye to this group of seven German girls attending my Universioty I went out dancing with one night. We'd ended up at my place for a coffee and a spliff. I showed off (me and seven girls, go figure) and rolled this MASSIVE spliff which was shared around. I'd had about eight bottles of bear, and hasn't developed the tolerance yet, to smoke pot on top of being drunk -I can do it now within reason..
SO there I was, spliff duely smoked and girls going back off to their flat, standing at the door...began to feel a little dizzy and thought, "good, they'll be gone in a minute and I can crash"...
... next thing I knew I was on my back with this German girl slapping me in the face saying "You vill vake up!". In passing out I had cleverly lessened my impact with the floor by scaping my face down the brick wall. I has ghastly scrapes on my upper lip, forehead and nose-tip. I ended up with a scab on my upper lip the exact size and shape of a 'Hitler' moustache. I bearly left the house for two weeks.
Oh, and coming off my little GS125 on ice in front of all my friends at University. I was barely moving, just touched my front brake and WHOOMP, I was down. Very elegent.
Abaddon you naughty beast you!!!
Three years ago....I was going to Africa for some volunteering doctor work stuff....well of course needed to get my booster shots etc...... so one of my nurses pops me in the arm with the booster and I hop off the table and start walking out of the exam room....when all of a sudden my vision starts going black and my knees buckle and I end up passing out in the middle of the hallway in front of patients and fellow doctors. It was only momentary.
But still, 2 or 3 of my fellow docs, a handful of nurses, and a couple of patients saw this and all came to my aid. I still get ribbed about this to this day. Something in the shot must not have agreed with my system.....that or I'm just a wuss when it's me getting stuck with a needle.