Had study with witness today

by jaffacake 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Thanks Jaff and Blondie, I remember it now. I am so good at putting that stuff out of my mind.

    Ken P.

  • RunningMan

    Good work.

    I couldnt help asking why for 33 years (1929 to 1962) Jehovah blessed other Christians with a better understanding of Romans 13, at great personal cost to many JWs.

    I can't help but think of how Jehovah blessed his witnesses with an incorrect understanding of organ transplants, allowing them to die from 1967 to 1980, whereas other non-blessed religions got to take this life saving treatment.

  • DannyHaszard

    Regarding the 1962 flipped script on 'superior authorities' this was elaborated on at the 1979 DC i even remember where i was sitting at the St.Petersburg Fla. bayfront center.

    The speaker simply did a WT CYA and said:"that those who were stumbled by the error have left the 'truth' and now are part of the world and christendom,some have even gone back to smoking".

    The Watchtower must know what they print are lies because how else would they know in advance to conduct such through damage control?

    Another matter was heavy indoctrination (ca.1989) about apostates who are "bombarding the society with lawsuits",and the society legal team and local elders must be careful what they say".This was another projected insight,actually there was few lawsuits back then,but they will be litigated in the near future and they saw it coming because they KNOW they have defaulted.

  • mad max
    mad max

    well i am going to be DF on Sun, because i told the elder that the faithful slave was teaching the incorrect things, asked why this and why that. Elder said it was all in the past.

    At least jeffacake you can ask questions, but that will only last for a while, because if you have not finished studying your book in 3 months or maybe 6 months at the least then you will not be called on again.

    Ask and ask and ask.

    at least you will not be surprised at the answers you receive back, because you in the know.

    So continue studing with him.

  • love2Bworldly

    Jaffacake--really enjoy that you are putting the Witness on the spot to defend their beliefs. Keep up the good work and keep us posted! Don't let them off the hook! But also be careful--they may start asking you where you got your info to do the research. Don't let him know the Internet Apostates are helping you! :-)

  • jaffacake

    mad max

    Hope df goes okay - whatever that means. Are you concerned about what will happen?

    if you have not finished studying your book in 3 months

    What book? I've had seven 2 hour studies, over 2 months. We have only covered about 6 pages of a book called 'mankinds search for God' He skipped the first seven eighths of the book, when I did not wish to discuss other religions, trinity etc. He says he has never studied with anyone like me before, so he enjoys it immensely (I wonder) He says it must be my biblical upbringing. I think it has more to do with what I learn from you folks and Ray Franz books. I am taking this steady, wanna make it last for my JW friends sake.

    You know what, I really like this guy, as we look at my garden and chat. But then he is not on the other side of the table from me at a judicial hearing!

  • moanzy

    How do they figure God is blessing them? By the increase in numbers? isn't the mormon religion increasing in numbers too?


  • carla

    Excellent job Jaffacake! One other point on translation, I don't think they ever translated into another language themselves. I believe they let the other religions do it first then they could print the NWT. carla

  • AuntieJane

    I would use the KISS method (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Next time I would use his words, "You said that Jehovah has blessed your organization", is that correct? If that is true, what kind of blessing did he give when your organization hurt all these people:

    then show the dates of flip flops on the organ transplants, blood issue, Malawai.

    Get to his heart and tell him that families were hurt beyond belief because of this "blessing".

    Just my thoughts...I do wish you well, keep it up!


  • fairchild
    He says he has never studied with anyone like me before, so he enjoys it immensely (I wonder) He says it must be my biblical upbringing.

    jaffacake, I so wish I could be a fly on your wall!

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