jeff it seems you are working him on romans 13;1 about jw's going to jail for refusing alternative service instead of the army stopped in 1996 may 1996 wt. using rom. 13;1i'm sure it's in ray's books. your one the right track . this guy has nothing. when he admitts they mad mistakes. then ask him . why the 2005 wt's call what they were teaching in 1920 as proper spritual food at the proper time. meat in due season. hang him. since he's admitting they were wrong , then how can they today call it worship acceptable to jehovah. this is a check mate move that you can use over and over. just remember never let him off the hook on anything. hold him to it , ask him to bring over those 1920 wt mag's so we can test them together. he's in quick sand. wave bye bye as you keep up the pressure. john