It's all the womens damn fault!

by gumby 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby

    No wonder the fellas who talk nasty call you girls filthy names. You poor precious little things......I found the culprit who started all the trouble for you women. You'll never guess! It was those damn hebrew men who were women haters.....cept when god told them to be nice to them.

    Whether or not you believe the Bible was divinely inspired, the Book of Genesis has served as the primary source in the West for definitions of gender and morality and has influenced and resulted in much of the way they are viewed and treated today.

    Eve represents everything about a woman a man should guard against and because of her, the prevalent belief in the West has been that all women are by nature disobedient, guileless, weak-willed, prone to temptation and evil, disloyal, untrustworthy, deceitful, seductive, and motivated in their thoughts and behaviour purely by self-interest.

    No matter what women might achieve in the world, the message of Genesis warns men not to trust them, and women not to trust themselves or each other. Whoever she might be and whatever her accomplishments, no woman can escape being identified with Eve, or being identified as her.

    Paul, for example, in his letter Timothy, could cite Genesis as the reason why women should not be allowed to teach or to tell a man what to do:

      1Tim. 2:12-14) "For I do not allow woman to teach, or to exercise authority over men; but she is to keep silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.
      What a dipshit argument Paul uses. Women are to keep their mouths shut because they sinned first. He also makes it sound as if men are never decieved. Seems to me Eve decieved him into eating the fruit.
      It however didn't stop with the old Hebrew men bastards. This attitude continued along with the church fathers and leaders down through the centuries. Below is a quote from the early Christian theologian Tertullian 155/160-220 CE, who reminded women that they all share Eve's responsibility of original sin and the reason and cause of the fall of the human race.

    Tertullians quote:

    "Do you not believe that you are (each) an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives on even in our times and so it is necessary that the guilt should live on, also. You are the one who opened the door to the Devil, you are the one who first plucked the fruit of the forbidden tree, you are the first who deserted the divine law; you are the one who persuaded him whom the Devil was not strong enough to attack. All too easily you destroyed the image of God, man. Because of your desert, that is, death, even the Son of God had to die.

    No wonder you poor damn women eat, drink, take valium and sit around and eat chocolate bon bons all day long while us men are out playin golf!


  • EvilForce

    Women are such bitchs they take all the good men. LOL

  • talesin


  • gumby

    Talesin.........couldn't we just get a room? I always get embarrased when you hug me in public.

    Evilforce....the good looking men aren't the ,married ones. Have you seen some of these ugly bastards with these beautiful women? You wonder why they picked these short balding fat men with boils all over their bodies when theirs guys like you who are cute but only missing one nut. If I was gay, I'd prolly go for a guy with one nut before I'd pick a short fat bald guy if I had ta choose.


  • JW83

    Gumby, I absolutely agree! Women never had a chance with Jehoba.

    The worst examples are the gang rapes in Genesis & Judges - daughters/wives left out for the men of the city - condoned by God. I can't believe I swallowed it for so long ...

  • Elsewhere

    Now go to the kitchen and make me some pie!

  • gumby
    Now go to the kitchen and make me some pie!

    What he really meant to say was...."Now get naked, go to the kitchen, and lean over and put that pie in the oven"! Gumbahorny

  • talesin

    LMAO !

  • peacefulpete

    Interstingly the woman Miriam is among the first persons called a prophet in the OT and her character goes from one of priviledge to being a punished acquiescing rebel. It may be an evidence of an early shift to patriastic thinking.

  • Robdar

    I've not believed the myths in the OT for quite some time now. But, of all the passages in it, the ONLY one that I would have no trouble believing is the story of Adam (a man) blaming Eve (a woman) for what HE himself did. I have no trouble believing it because it is still the same today.

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