It's all the womens damn fault!

by gumby 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gill

    Well, what do you expect, LT?

    We are responsible for all the 'interesting' experiences in life......the good, the bad, the ugly, the downright itchy.....'

    But you just have to mention head lice, and every body's head starts itching....she says scratching her head in an irritated manner.

  • LittleToe

    Darn, now I've even got a back itch, in a place I can't reach!
    ~shakes fist at Gumbtagious~

  • gumby

    Funny thing is....I never had the rash till Evilforce came along. I've heard of a computor virus... but this is ridiculous! I'm gonna put bleach on it one more time and if it still burns...I'm seein a doctor!


  • Evanescence

    I made a thread on "does god respect women" on a different site take a look,

    You know Adam did have the right to say "no"

    I hate sexism!


  • Golf

    Genesis 3:9-12 "...Jehovah kept calling...where are you?...Finally he said: Your voice I heard in the garden but I was afraid because I was naked and so I hid myself. At that (Jah) said, Who told you that you were naked? From the tree which I commanded you not to eat have you eaten? And the man went on to say: The women whom 'YOU' gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree and so I ate it."

    It was Jehovahs 'fault' not the women!


  • greendawn

    The fruit of knowledge story may well be an allegory for a more serious rebellion that occured in Eden.If the divine creation of the first human couple is a myth then we rely on evolution to explain human origins. Why all the shame for exposing publically the genital parts and the laws against nudism?

    As for the Christian approach to women it is very humane also considering it was formulated in fairly primitive times, compare with the moslem views.

  • LittleToe


    Why all the shame for exposing publically the genital parts and the laws against nudism?

    If Gumby's nutsack is as ugly as he says it is, you ought to be glad of a little prudishness

  • greendawn

    By the way Little Toe a few years back I used to know some guys from the islands who spoke Scotish as their mother language, their family name was McFee a large family with 11 children.

  • LittleToe

    That name is generally found on the Isle of Barra (a beautiful wee place), where they are predominantly Catholic. That might explain the family size, too
    It's on the bottom of the chain of islands on which I live.

  • greendawn

    LT, I can't recall the name of their island but they were indeed Catholic. Their names: Callum, Charlie, John, Angela. They went to the island in 1998 for their mother's funeral.

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