It's all the womens damn fault!

by gumby 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby

    It's funny that Eves "eyes were not opened and saw she was naked".....untill her hubby ate the fruit too. Why didn't Jehovah expose her right when she ate it? Did he KNOW she would offer some to Adam? If he knew that.....he must have known they BOTH would fall.....BEFORE they fell. ......yet he continued on.

    I guess Jehovah KNEW he would also fall and so he waited for Adam to blow it ....then exposed their pee pee's and they BOTH became ashamed together. It woulda looked funny if Adam walked around with his little dinger floopin around while Eve had a leaf coverin her little muffin.


  • Robdar
    I guess Jehovah KNEW he would also fall and so he waited for Adam to blow it ....then exposed their pee pee's and they BOTH became ashamed together. It woulda looked funny if Adam walked around with his little dinger floopin around while Eve had a leaf coverin her little muffin.


  • Preston
    If I was gay, I'd prolly go for a guy with one nut before I'd pick a short fat bald guy if I had ta choose.


    a.) EF has one nut.....which is news to me, how do you know these things Gumby, usually if a guy on here has one nut I'm the first to know about it, or...

    b.) you have a Lance Armstrong Fetish

    ...I'm willing to pick (B)... both are quite the hottie!

    - Preston

  • gumby
    .) EF has one nut.....which is news to me, how do you know these things Gumby, usually if a guy on here has one nut I'm the first to know about it, or...

    You can kinda tell when he wears those tight leather pants. He ain't got any camel toe's.......just a one sided little lump.


  • Soledad

    Talk about woman hating! Here is the summary of Lillith, Adams "first wife" who only wanted to be on top, not the bottom.

    Lilith as Adam's first wife

    The origin of Adam and Lilith is not clear ?as mentioned previously, only one explicit reference to her exists in the bible. One medieval reference to Lilith as the first wife of Adam, The Alphabet of Ben-Sira, was authored anonymously. Lilith is described as refusing to assume a subservient role to Adam during sexual intercourse and so deserting him ("She said, 'I will not lie below,' and he said, 'I will not lie beneath you, but only on top. For you are fit only to be in the bottom position, while I am to be the superior one.'"). Lilith then went on to mate with Asmodai and various other demons she found beside the Red Sea, creating countless lilin. Adam urged God to bring Lilith back, so three angels were dispatched after her. When the angels, Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof, made threats to kill one hundred of Lilith's demonic children for each day she stayed away, she countered that she would prey eternally upon the descendants of Adam and Eve, who could be saved only by invoking the names of the three angels, and did not return to Adam. Lilith (1892), by John Collier

    This legend was included in an English language book of rabbinic works, however, The Alphabet of Ben-Sira is not a Jewish religious text; rather, it is a collection of stories about heroes of the Bible and Talmud. Modern historians are unsure of its original purpose, although it may have been a collection of risqué folk-tales, a refutation of Christians, Karaites or other separatist movement, or simply an anti-Jewish satire.

    However, the story has similarities with the original Mesopotamian myth, where Lilith killed children, and the Hebrew tradition of placing an amulet around the neck of newborn boys, inscribed with the names of 3 angels who are to protect them from the Lilins until their circumcision, lends weight to the argument that Lilith had existed in earlier Hebrew mythology and is not the creation of later medieval authors. There is also a Hebrew tradition to wait a while before a boys hair is cut so as to attempt to trick Lilith into thinking the child is girl so that the boys life may be spared.

  • talesin
    He ain't got any camel toe's

    ROFL !!!

    omg, that is too funny ... I first heard that expression a couple months ago,,, LOL!!


    *thanking Gumbro profusely, cause she needed the laughs

  • gumby

    Nice post.....but I sure had a hard time tryin to keep from lookin at Eves boobs in that picture you supplied. Yummy!


  • Gill

    Yes, dear!

  • stillajwexelder

    women bring new life into the world so yes I can see it is quite rational to argue it is all their fault - it is just that women are so damned lovely - sigh - ah well

  • EvilForce


    I am not a one nut wonder. (Not that there's anything wrong with that) But I am happy to report my boys are both fully functioning and intact. In fact they got a "full workout" earlier this morning.

    And FYI I have not worn leather pants since I was a twink....many many years ago....LOL. I have a few leather "accessories" I have however ;)


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