People arent "Dis'd" because they had sex or commited some other serious sin. The wrong has already been exposed. They are disfellowshiped because they're unrepentant and choose to live their lives in contrast to how God wants us to, and not by what the WTBTS says, but what the bible says. And those who "Da'd" themselves, they willfully severe the ties THEMSELVES, so they know exactly what they're forfeiting and shouldnt expect to be able mingle with other witnesses like nothin has happened.
Does the WTBTS still control your life?
by Honesty 44 Replies latest jw experiences
And those who "Da'd" themselves, they willfully severe the ties THEMSELVES, so they know exactly what they're forfeiting and shouldnt expect to be able mingle with other witnesses like nothin has happened.
You make it sound like its such a loss. lol Haha forfeited them controlling my life forever and carrying me along in a pipe dream, all the while slaving to meet their ends by measuring up to their set quota of hours. Who honestly after recognizing the WTBTS for what it is, a financially focused religious based publishing empire, would want to not forfiet that yoke of slavery.
Sorry but that comment just made me laugh. Can't imagine how one could consider essential freedom of life and natural god given free will as things that are corrupt, and choosing these over a high control group's demands is equated to forfeiting some huge reward. I understand though their mentality as I once to was an indoctrinated witness.
Freedom is a gift given freely to each and every individual but is also the one thing that is most often stolen from people.
No one is taking away your freedom. WTBTS doesnt have a gun held to the heads of all the witnesses. What is expected of us is clearly stated in the bible and If you dont want to follow it thats on you. God doesnt force us to serve him. But, Despite how you feel however, there are alot of people who are bitter or disagree with these arrangements and thats who i was addressing the post to.
And those who "Da'd" themselves, they willfully severe the ties THEMSELVES, so they know exactly what they're forfeiting and shouldnt expect to be able mingle with other witnesses like nothin has happened.
What if you joined a club that had policies and by-laws that you agreed to----and then they revised and/or completely changed those policies and by-laws?
If those changes were life-changing and you didn't agree to those policies when you "signed up".......what would you do?
Would you continue to live your life knowing that you were following man-made rules that you really found you couldn't live by (and keep a good conscience?) Quite a dilemma, isn't it?
This is how it is when one DA's themself----the person doesn't run out and live a lie of sex-drugs and rock & roll, nor does he sink into that pit of debauchery---as the WTS would have you believe. Labeling people as misfits and UNfit to associate with is the WTS way of making sure that we don't "talk", it's their way of keeping LOTS of things under wraps so that the "sheep" won't be exposed to the truth about the WTS.
In my case, the WTS has effectively cut off association with my family and my friends of 30 years----because MY INTEGRITY would not allow me to continue the pretense any longer.
I still love God, and his son, and lead a Christian life without the Society! Those who accept Jesus AS our savior---don't need a Society to worship God. The WTS is NOT a mediator as they would like you to believe. Sadly, they have even taken away the glorious resurrection of Jesus and don't even recognize that holy day! No---they have a "memorial" of his death--and barely anyone partakes of what Jesus offered to ALL mankind that had faith in him!!!
PLEASE read Romans 8:38-39 and you will SEE that the WTS has no place in saying who does and does not love God. It is quite presumptuous of them, along with MANY other claims they have made about their importance.
Taken away the resurrection of Jesus? Its clearly stated that jesus arose three days after his death, no one is denying that he was ressurrected then ascended to heaven. The ressurection of jesus is recognized, just not celebrated like those in christendom. We observe the "memorial"(as you put it) because we are instructed to in the bible (note that we arent instructed to celebrate the ressurection). I dont know the specifics of your 30 years of "cutting off of family and friends", but i can say with out a doubt that any changes that may have come about during that time were backed up scripturally, and whether or not you wanted to follow it was of your own accord.
Dune, sorry buddy but you are showing your youth....
The flip flops of the WTBS are many and great. They just get white washed over. Trust me I have seen 37 years of various dogma changes.
Can I ask you where the biblical "change" was in allowing the WTBS to become a UN NGO member for 10 years and then abruptly quitting once it was uncovered?
Or blood? Do you really know how many times they have changed this stance. Back and forth, and back again. Organ transplants....
How about the biblical evidence to deny vaccines back in the 20's and 30's and into the 50's?
1994 change on "generation".
Where is the scriptural proof of 607 the Dubs use to get to 1914. Do an internet search at any encyclopedia you will find that ALL secular and non-Dub sources state that it is Dec. 586 / Jan 587.....hmmm....bad math by the big bad WTBS
How about the scriptual guidelines allowing brothers to die in Malawi, yet allowing brothers in Mexico to do exactly what our murdered bros in Malawi were instructed not to. -
Hi Dune - I can see you are truly passionate about what you believe - good on you.
With regards to the memorial - if my memory serves me correct I don't think Jesus actually said to commemorate his death, what he was saying when he spoke to his deciples was to "keep doing this in memory of me" To keep doing what I ask? When you keep doing something you do it often, not once off. They had to keep remembering the covenant that he had made with them, so whenever they got together they would break bread - not literally - but in that they would share the word of God amongst themselves & with others.
I disagree that those who are DA'ed or DF'ed are the ones that cut themselves off. This is not true. I still want my family to be able to associate with me, but they can't otherwise they risked the same punishment.
Dune - these guys on here are not people that have just left the organisation willy nilly - they've done extensive research and it's not the people themselves persay that they are against, it's the controlling factor of the organisation itself. Not all these people have turned their back on Jehovah's just that we've had our eyes opened and cannot go back as it would be as the bible says ..."like a dog returning to the vomit"
I dont know the specifics
Doesn't that sum it up?! Dune, some friendly advice - find out a little more about the organisation you are defending before you do so or you may embarrass yourself.
People arent "Dis'd" because they had sex or commited some other serious sin. The wrong has already been exposed. They are disfellowshiped because they're unrepentant and choose to live their lives in contrast to how God wants us to, and not by what the WTBTS says, but what the bible says.
If you're going to REconvert all of us- you could at least CAPITALIZE "Bible". Jehovah is a stickler for grammar.... Remember the scribes who could be killed if they made an error in copying the Bible? The standards haven't changed...
and "dune"? thats the movie with the bugs in the ground right? I think I fell asleep during it.
With Love for God,
RichieRich: That's 'cos the bible isn't as important as the WTBTS *tsk tsk tsk*