I only know of a few Witnesses that believe that. Did you feel that the ministry was especially rewarding and gratifying to you?
Was The Ministry Ever Rewarding To You?
by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends
Other than a means of getting me outta bed on lazy Saturday mornings and getting a little exercise, a ritual I've replaced with another much more rewarding activity............No.
I think my parents felt it was rewarding - they would sometimes talk about how they must have brought a hundred people into the troof and if you added on all their families and friends who also joined then it would be many. However I think this happened when they were a young married couple -as from when I was a kid to when I was a kid leaving home I can't think of more than 8 who got baptised following studies with my parents.Thats a max of 1 a year for all those hours on the ministry.
As for me - no it stopped being rewarding when I stopped being cute and adorable enough to get given money and sweets and fruit from householders.
jt stumbler
Rewarding in that it made me feel like I was "doing Gods will". Sadly though it was my wanting acceptance.
My friend who was just deleted as an elder still feels strongly that going out in field service is a joy---even though no one is home. He says, "Just to be with the friends, it's all worth it plus we're making Jehovah God happy".
"Just to be with the friends
Minimus, pardon me, but who uses that weird expression anymore? I never heard the witnesses called "the friends" except in very old yearbooks printed before i was born which I used to read so I could look swotty and super spiritual!
That was always the teaching, "being with the friends" & "doing Gods will"
I think that when we were done, ... Now we don't feel guilt,. ... because we did what we were told.
Crumpet, you are but a young child. Many still use that irritating expression.
I find immense joy and happiness in it. That is, after I left the JW cult and became a Christian in deed as well as word.
When I was a tagalong robotic D2D drone it was a helluva load that caused me to wonder if Jesus was lying about His kindly yoke until I discovered it was the WTBTS who was doing all the lying.
I used it untill three years ago and all my few Witness friends use it all the time. I liked see the area that I live and to find new deer hunting properties.