But at least you could ride around and eat donuts.
Was The Ministry Ever Rewarding To You?
by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends
That was the only thing I looked forward to as a kid forced into Saturday service, the donuts on mid morning break.The rest was a good waste of a Saturday morning. I also remember my mother referring to the brothers and sisters as "the friends". Another cult-like expression!!!!!
The "Friends" are the Quakers.
I loved service and thought I was truly doing the work of God. I felt refreshed and invigorated when I finished each weekend or weekday.
Now I can't stand it and do it as little as possible.
The friends (the expression is used all the time) feel that they are really doing God's work, thus they enjoy it. It has a placebo effect on them. They expect to feel better after service so they usually do. Same with meeting attendance.
When someone isn't refreshed by service or meeting attendance perhaps that's a sign that they're vulnerable for the evil apostates to lead them away. bwahhahahahahahahaha
I never liked it. It was kinda sad. I remember my first year I auxiliary pioneered( I was 13) I liked it then because we really weren't serious. No one was ever home because it was summer, and often we'd just go get ice cream and pretend we'd been out in service. One time we even went shopping. These were pioneers who taught me tricks of the trade by the way. But it quickly became drudgery. I don't miss field service one little bit.
No, I hated it .....a real chore to be endured . The longest hour of the week. Mind you I felt pretty good when my one and only successful bible study got baptised . I feel guilty about that now.
By the way, in the UK we say that it is "To be with the Brothers" , rather than that Americanism "Friends".
no. and i still have guilt over the one gal i studied with and she joined. it destroyed her once much happier self and life. i moved, lost contact and still feel bad for what i had done. the best part of the door to door work was getting home afterward, taking of those miserable dresses, letting my hair down and knowing my parents were just maybe pleased with me. being the po's daughter, i was required to put on a show. awhhh such happy memories...
Samuel Thorsen
The ministry was rewarding only once as I can remember.
The occasion was when me and my best friend discovered a beautiful young nude woman posing in front of a group of artist painter pupils trou a basement window during our monday evening ministry service session. It was dark outside, but very bright lightning inside, so we had to pass that window v e r y s l o w ly several times while the woman constantly changing posisions.
Other than that ministry was hour collecting for conscience purposes only. In fact I was a kind of ashamed because of the extraordinary lousy magazines.
I was in the org for over 20 years as an adult and never used or heard the expression "friends" .
It may have been used by one or two speakers at a assembly or convention but never by the"friends"
I thinks it an American thing, just like the religion
It was grim trying to argue with people about things that you did't really believe in and while knowing that they were in the right, example blood transfusion ban the WTS record of false prophesies emotionally it took its toll, that's why after a year I suddenly dropped all fs activity.