Enjoyed it in my mid-teens because sometimes I got lucky and knocked the doors with J girls I had crushes on. As I got older dodged it as much as I could. It was not my fav weekend activity.
Was The Ministry Ever Rewarding To You?
by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends
Reefton Jack
NO - and the sad thing was, I thought for many years that there must have been something wrong with me - like a point that I was missing.
Of course - there WAS a point that I was missing all-right. It just wasn't quite the one that I imagined!
I liked see the area that I live and to find new deer hunting properties.
Holy crap- I do that too! One guy told me I could only use a bow (no complaints) and I got a decent 6 there last year!
Oh- I scout ponds for fishing too...
But other than that and break time- the best part is when someone gets a flat tire and then they let the "young, strong" brother change it and he gets too dirty to get out at any more doors ...
That was the longest sentence ever....
Hated it! Absolutely, positively, hated it! Did I mention that I HATED it?
Samuel--LOL I'm going to tell the elders on you!
Jack--I know what you mean, I thought there was something wrong with me cuz I absolutely loathed being out in 'service'.
Bumble Bee
NO - and the sad thing was, I thought for many years that there must have been something wrong with me - like a point that I was missing.
Of course - there WAS a point that I was missing all-right. It just wasn't quite the one that I imagined!
That was how I felt too! Glad to know I wasn't alone in how I felt. I never liked going out, thankfully we had alot of country territory, so there was always lots of driving around, but unfortunately, there was very few places to go for a break out in the country. I never could see much of a purpose to what we were doing, knocking on peoples doors that really didn't want to hear what we had to say, and you knew when they took the mags just to get rid of us. BB
I only know of a few Witnesses that believe that. Did you feel that the ministry was especially rewarding and gratifying to you?
As a child, I dreaded it. As an adult it was calming since it made me believe that I was pleasing 'God'. However, once I realized that it was all a lie, the years that I wasted in fieldservice was very depressing to me. I volunteer at the local womans shelter and a convalescent home nearby and when I think of all the hours I could have really been helping people instead of blowing smoke up their *ss with falsehoods from a cult it still hurts. There are real people out there who could really use our help. It is a shame to just sell them books and make false promises when we could actually be doing something that would bring about positive changes in their lives. J
I loathed having to go door-to-door! Several of the JWs my age and I would always look like we were knocking at doors. Truth was when we knocked, no one could have heard it. Just looked good!
In the very beginning it felt rewarding...even though I was petrified to knock on doors and bother people. I thought that over time, my feelings of doing something worthwhile and important would only increase and that I'd learn to love service. It was Jehovah's direction, right? We had the angels hovering over our shoulders, didn't we? That's not what happened, though. The "ministry" didn't get easier to engage in, it got harder for me. Even telling myself that I was spending quality time with the "friends" began to pall. Most of them weren't people I really wanted to spend time with. It increasingly felt like a gigantic waste of time, and I lost all desire to even try to improve. It really felt good when I just gave up and stopped going out at all.
I was always on the lookout for that hot guy who'd just stepped out of the shower and only had time to wrap a towel around his waist in order to answer the door after I knocked. I was disappointed on a regular basis. I would have to say, no, the ministry was not rewarding to me.