Oh well, Steph, it's not something the Merry Cans feel the need to check into!
ATTENTION District Convention Attendees!
by RichieRich 90 Replies latest jw friends
Ok. I've revised the check. Before I set you guys free with them, there's a few things I want to say:
1. I appreciate everyone's input. We have all contributed to this process and we should be proud.
2. Changes: The "quotes" website reference has been replaced with SilentLambs. THis is because Quotes site might go down for good, and it is harder to remember than just silentlambs... Plus- they are fighting for the cause and need a little support!
3. I was unable to incorporate the UN NGO Scandal. If you have some genious idea for how to do it, email me here .
4. Stephenaus and others "down under": The second check bares the altered spelling (cheque).
5. Next to come (Hopefully by this afternoon) will be a "DC Delegate Kit". It will include the check and a Badge.
6. Many of you have expressed concern to me about my identity being revealed and this whole thing being pinned on me. I'm well aware of that. However I'm NOT going to live in fear of this organization. If you are from my congregation, know me, or are a Bethelite assigned to lurk here, I implore you, Go Ahead. Tell on me. Put me out of my misery.
All that being said, HEre's the goods!!
And the EuroVersion!
Hey kids !
We've got badges!!!
These aren't scans. Instead they are duplicates (better print quality). Just print them out, pin them on, and drop a few checks in the box!!
www.quotes.watchtower.ca/ is not a valid address.
http://quotes.watchtower.ca is a valid one though
or just quotes.watchtower.ca
well it's silentlambs now...
so thats that...
anyone else?
You cound find all the locations and dates for the assemblies and contact the local newspaper desks before they realse that week paper with info for silentlambs etc...
They will get quite a welcome from the local towns folk
Richie dude you rock!
I'll be in Rosetown, Saskatchewan while my sister-in-law and her kids are at the Convention. My 9 year old nephew hates the meetings. I wonder if I can get him to drop a couple into the contribution box :)
It's a great idea but........Please put something about the UN fiasco on it, I personally think it would be much more effective.(imho). I don't know how many people know, or really care about Beth Sarim. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but the UN thing seems to be much more "timely",( to quote a witnessism). I'm IN on this.
ok- but let me let you read this one more time
The primary objective to this is not to expose the scandals in the org to the money counters (who will just throw it away) but to get noticed by WTS that there are many active JWs who know whats going on.
Now- If you want me to incorporate the UN stuff still- tell me how to do it. WHere do I put it??