Every convention has a Lost & Found department. And at every Lost & Found department, you'll find people leafing through Bibles and songbooks and magazines that have been left on chairs to save seats for people. It wouldn't take too much effort to slip in a cheque/bookmark of this nature into books and Bibles for the respective owners to discover when they return home.
ATTENTION District Convention Attendees!
by RichieRich 90 Replies latest jw friends
Ok just checking in to share the love between Odrade and Rich here.
Odrade: I understand your viewpoint, and your interest in this project shows you care about it effectiveness. When Rich and I got together on this we hoped to make a stink with the brass. Not directly to convert anyone. Although "scare" is a bit strong, we do hope to instill some paranoia at Bethels around the world.
The point is that apostates and active JWs know the truth about the WTS and we want to let the FDS know it.
Of course there are many ways this "check" can be used, and please continue to contribute your ideas and participation with this.
Also, Rich is at something like revision 6.1 here and has responded to so many suggestions already. He deserves a hearty thank you for his work.
Rich: You are a pistol. Me thinks that all you need to take out the WTS is a kilt and a caber. Don't forget you are among friends.
Thanks E, the only reason I really commented on this in the first place is that I think it's a great idea. Most picket/protests/campaigns are just too blatant for many people (who may need to protect themselves from shunning,) to get involved. This one is quiet, covert and possible for any lurker here to participate, no matter how active in JW activities.
It has tremendous potential. We know what happens to our long, well-thought letters to elders, GB, friends and family. Most of them never get read past "Dear Brothers." But what argument do you make against something like this? There is no argument, because a simple one-line protest does not ask for a reply. It is what it is. Maybe that's why in one day, you and Rich have received so many replies and suggestions. People are excited because we KNOW it's a good plan. I think it would certainly shake up the overseers. All I'm saying is won't you also please consider how to best use the opportunity to also make a few others think critically. -
People are excited because we KNOW it's a good plan. I think it would certainly shake up the overseers. All I'm saying is won't you also please consider how to best use the opportunity to also make a few others think critically.
Yeah... what she said. Why NOT kill two birds with one stone? Why stop with just the FDS when it can cause doubts in the R&F too? "Scaring" the FDS is big... causing doubts with the R&F... huge.
As I commented on the other thread, you can print up a bunch of these and inconspicuously insert them in the front of various bibles scattered thru the convention. Just pretend you are looking for your own Bible/Seat.
You would not want to put them in everyone and draw attention to yourself. Just a few when not too many people are around. Then hit a different section.
Get in. Get out. Move away.
I think Richie's checks would stand just as they are.
Someone could make up something similar and reference the UN thing for placement into the various bibles. -
and for everything else, there's mastercard.
Newly revised checks here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/92176/1.ashx
Each new check features a different cause: child abuse (Silent Lambs), information suppression on the web (Quotes), JW awareness on the web, and UN involvement.
These were born from your comments, so thank you for your input!
nice idea, and a hoot to boot.
but i wont drive 2.5 hours to go to the dc to do this, nor will i go anyways, i will never walk into a kh, ca or da again. i have no desire after the last covert ops i went through.
Excellent proaction here. I love to WITNESS this.
Someone could make up something similar and reference the UN thing for placement into the various bibles.
Yes. And it is very easy to slip into these conventions as an active jw. For example, (PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TED!) it is quite simple to slip on a dress, pantyhose and represent yourself as a TRAVELING bible study that was supposed to meet up with another bible study that lives out of town too and we had to meet up at an out of area assembly because our families hate jws and we thought this would be our only option to get to the assembly.
Ya just make it up as you go from then on...as you slip information slips, checks, postcards, business cards, etc. into conspicuous places.
Yea, it sure does make me want to go into my closet and look for that one dress that has jw written all over it. LOLOLOLOLOL
John Doe
I don't mean to be the devil's advocate here, but I think it is perhaps a bit naive to beleive that a few slips of paper will scare any of the higher ups. Does a Witness track slipped on your front door scare any of you? Childish is a word that comes to mind. In fact, such efforts, in my opinion, will only enforce the Witnesses view that Satan is out to get them.
Odrade, haven't you heard? There are no adverbs in the South. lol