ATTENTION District Convention Attendees!

by RichieRich 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    What a pity. What a waste. If you just want to scare them, why are you going to all this trouble to make a check that looks real? Since you are no longer looking for input from those who have actually worked the "money tables" many times, and might have some ideas on how to kill two birds with one stone, (both awareness and "scare,") I think whatever you had will do just fine.

    I wonder how EZ3 feels about your efforts to be certain this is JUST A SCARE effort? Even though the idea is amusing, it does have potential. Do you really want to leave it at its lowest common denominator? Or would you like to get the most bang for the buck? That's what the suggestions are for, but I'll stop now.

  • RichieRich

    Someone please post a smiley with its tongue sticking out, followed by a smiley with it's middle finger up.

    Peace out.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    ha ha, this is great. what a cool idea!

    well, if it is the purpose to scare, then it is the purpose to scare. scaring is good.

    even if i loaded the badge into photoshop, and color matched it to my wifes and printed it on my printer, i still could not get into my local convention. perhaps i flatter myself, but i don't think i'd last long before spotted. but you're right richie. this is a cool program for lurkers and others who are still "in" the circle of trust.

    good luck!


  • Sunnygal41

    APPLAUSE!!!!!!! APPLAUSE FOR RICHIE!!! Richie, I'd take 50 of these bad boys to distribute if it hadn't been over 7 years since my last assembly (aka Torture Session) Man, it's giving me really creepy feelings just thinking about them..............won't someone help Sunny and throw a few in for her????


  • Sunnygal41
    This is the "campaign" do what you want for extra-curricular apostasy.

    LMAO!! Good one, Rich!!

  • RichieRich
    I wonder how EZ3 feels about your efforts to be certain this is JUST A SCARE effort?

    I believe he's already answered that one:

    The primary objective to this is not to expose the scandals in the org to the money counters (who will just throw it away) but to get noticed by WTS that there are many active JWs who know whats going on.

    have a lovely day!

    PS: Yes. THis is oppurtunity to kill 2 birds with one stone. However we have a lot of birds to kill. So who needs a pocket full of rocks?

  • Odrade

    Okay, this one just begs a reply... since you started the semantics critique. "PRIMARY" implies there is at least a "secondary." It's still a good idea, which I have said all along. It's still a pity you don't want to maximize it.

  • RichieRich
    It's still a pity you don't want to maximize it.

    We will maximize- I promise. However, let's let our feet touch the ground before we start running...

    I'm still open to critisism, but I never garunteed they would I would changer everything to fit everyone's personal whims and opinions.

    This is a very Dub-like "argument" and its best to stop it or at least keep it private!

  • rebel8

    "Can't we all just get along?"

    There are those of us who feel any apostate activism is bad, those who feel it's great, and those of us in between. This is a hot button issue every single time it comes up. If a person asks for feedback, fine. If they are just posting a notice about activism they're doing for informational purposes, perhaps refraining from starting the age old, tired debate is the way to go. (I have been guilty of this, I know.) I think RR attemped at some point in the thread to say he is not looking for feedback any longer. Why give it at that point if it's just negative? The ONLY thing you're gonna accomplish is to piss him off. The guy is not going to change his mind. He said so.

    This issue obviously sets people off. I posted my web site a while back on a forum, and I got tons of responses and PMs calling me a lying apostate because I said JWs discourage purchase of 2-door cars and long hair on men! People are highly sensitive to "apostates" because, like I said in an earlier post, people feel it will reflect upon them somehow. Feelings are fine, but barraging someone is not.

    Forums are for discussing feelings and opinions, OK, no problem there. And I don't see anyone being rude either.

    Having said that, take a moment to think what it's like to be RR right now. He comes up with an idea he thinks is really great and attempts to tell his friends about it. He gets barraged by 4 pages of responses, many critical. No matter how secure our self confidence is, come on, any one of us would be a bit peeved by getting all this criticism. And (sorry Richie) the guy is only 17 years old! Give him a break, people.

  • seattleniceguy
    OK. We are still NOT TRYING TO EXPOSE THIS TO THE R&F. We were trying to SCARE the HIGH UPS. That is still the plan. You do not need me to type in some web addresses so you can print them out. You can do that on your own. I am focusing on the check. This is the "campaign" do what you want for extra-curricular apostasy.


    LOL...Whoa, pardner! No need to get upset here. I was just saying that for anyone who wanted to, it would be a cool additional thing to do. No one's asking you to make scraps of paper in Photoshop. Good work on everything. May the force be with you.


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