Where Is The Ultimate Truth Found?

by JamesThomas 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I think all verbal truths are relative, changing and expanding with time (ex: Galileo, Newton, Einstien, Bohr).

    The Ultimate Truth if there even is one,,cannot be put into words or experienced with the thought mind, for these would be only approximations limited by concepts, words, judgements, and imagination. We can not focus on it, for the very act of focusing causes distortions to our preception (ex: when we focus on something because of fear we see only what fear causes us to focus on).

    IMO 'Ultimate Truth" is the "Ultimate Mystery" never to be understood. IMO ther is no way to percieve it, we may have many experiences with alter states of consciousness be it drug induced or thru quieting the mind that "feel" like this is it this is the ultimate truth, my opinion is, it may be only a better sense or more expanded view but not the end as the concept of Ultimate Truth implies. I think scientist and those who practice other forms of inquiery will never find it because there maybe an infinite amount of layers of covering it over.

  • Sunspot
    Annie - do you care to elaborate on some of those "'what ifs'"?


    I would love to! Rather than hijack this thread, I'll wait until Brenda gets back from vacation and bring these things (and tons of questions) up then.

    Many posters here (SunnyGal, Ian, Merry, Sirona, Arrowstar, Sherry? and a few that I can't recall their names----) have sparked my interest in various ways......I'd love to dig into some of their beliefs.

    Thanks for asking though.......



  • JamesThomas

    Ultimate Truth???

    As this thread supports, no two people believe exactly alike, it's all relative. However, personal truths, relative truths, are not what I referring to here.

    What is it that we all, each and every one, share equally? What is the foundational Reality on which our different conceptual-realities and "truths" are built? At the Core, what are we really? What units us?

    All mans inhumanity to man is due to identifying with, supporting and protecting our relative "truths". This creates a conceptual "self" which detaches and divides "me" from all others. Now the door is open, the rational in place, that allows me to kill and harm others. Religions and other social constructs support and reinforce our cherished individual fragility and tininess. Even our god is made into another shard of existence that reflects our own likeness.

    Generally we are so busy in our little conceptual realities that we never question it or even imagine there is anything more. Mental and intellectual abstracts which the mind creates becomes the beginning and end of what we believe ourselves to be and our relationship to the rest of a very threatening universe; and anyone who questions the entire facade, is crazy.

    People who wonder the street pushing shopping carts are drastically lost in their mind and obviously separated from reality (crazy). Are we really any different? Do we know what is Real? and what is make believe? Do we really know who/what we really are? Do we clearly see what units us? Or are we victims of the great divide?

    What I have seen or discovered upon deeper investigation into conscious-awareness, doesn't really matter. It's what you discover that's important. Simply questioning what has been concretely believed for so long, is a start.

    Perhaps when the Ultimate Truth of your own Being is discovered, you will know the Ultimate unifying Truth of all. You will know that it is you, who is sparkling from your friends eye. Couldn't hurt to look within and see.


  • Sunspot
    The Ultimate Truth if there even is one,,cannot be put into words or experienced with the thought mind, for these would be only approximations limited by concepts, words, judgements, and imagination. We can not focus on it, for the very act of focusing causes distortions to our preception (ex: when we focus on something because of fear we see only what fear causes us to focus on).


    I should have mentioned you when I was trying to think of certain posters that had peaked my interest! I do recall that one thread primarily with you and someone else I can't remember (damn those senior moments!) where there were some fascinating (to me) discussions. Another case of "it's scary" though, and I couldn't really add to the discussion in any meaningful way for obvious reasons (if you recall!)

    Hopefully a lot of things can be discussed when I put my thoughts together in a few weeks, waiting for Brenda. This way, this thread won't be terribly scattered and can stay on topic as it should. It's a great topic!



  • SixofNine

    Don' be a'skeeerd, Sunspot. isok missamissachicapay. Da mean ole devil and jeehovasJesuspaul gots no power either ones. Plus, supernat'rul thingies only deal with sup'rflue-us stuffins anyways, read any thread abouts it t'see isall.

  • stevenyc

    And a man said, "Speak to us of Self-Knowledge."

    And he answered, saying:

    Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights.

    But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge.

    You would know in words that which you have always know in thought.

    You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.

    And it is well you should.

    The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea;

    And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes.

    But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure;

    And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.

    For self is a sea boundless and measureless.

    Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth."

    Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have met the soul walking upon my path."

    For the soul walks upon all paths.

    The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.

    The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.

    The PROPHET, by Kahlil Gibran

  • iggy_the_fish

    KatieKitten - you're a maths teacher??? OMG still my beating heart.

    Can you do me a favour - wtf is JT talking about? Can you dumb it down a bit for me???

    ig (help, miss!)

  • upside/down

    The Matrix.


  • frankiespeakin


    I'll be looking forward to your thread.

  • Sunspot
    Don' be a'skeeerd, Sunspot. isok missamissachicapay. Da mean ole devil and jeehovasJesuspaul gots no power either ones. Plus, supernat'rul thingies only deal with sup'rflue-us stuffins anyways, read any thread abouts it t'see isall.

    Gee thanks Sixy, for clearing THAT up!

    (how you say in english please?)


    Annie Annie Fo Fannie

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