The "Teachers" of The "Truth"

by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Did YOU consider yourself to be a "good teacher"?

  • greendawn

    Let's hope that this lack of freshness in the org this dullness is a sign that it's gone way past its prime and that it will soon begin to unravel at every level. The enthusiasm is evaporating fast.

  • upside/down



  • minimus

    Unfortunately, even if the Org. loses a couple of million members in the next few years, it'll still be a religion with millions of members.

  • EvilForce

    Blondie's posts about the WT every week only show me how dull and unispired the teaching has become. Really it's not teaching, it's rote learning. I think they would well tamp down anyone who shows any kind of interest in looking up material or studying deeply. Sad.

  • minimus

    Real research is not only discouraged, it can get you df'd!

  • katiekitten

    I remember when my dad became an elder and I was pretty suprised to learn that there were only about 12 scripts for public talks, they just kept repeating the same ones over and over, but by different brothers so you didnt notice, and sometimes by brothers from a DIFFERENT cong so the excitement of seeing someone new really made you forget you'd heard it before.

    It reminded me of the kiddies programme, Bagpuss, of which there were allegedly only something like 8 episodes ever made, but every kid in the UK is convinced they saw a different episode every week for the whole of their childhood.

    Maybe they actually rely on us being in a coma, so we wont notice stuff like that.

  • ozziepost
    I was pretty suprised to learn that there were only about 12 scripts for public talks


    Not quite that few a number - there's always been many more than that. Still, your point is valid - there's a constant regurgitation of the outlines.

    Y'know the so-called wicked clergy prepare their own sermons - generally not repeated. Still the WTS paints them as wicked and greedy and.....

  • minimus

    Now they have over 100 talks to throw up over (again and again).

  • Narkissos

    When I gave my first public talks as a MS (in the late 70's) we were still free not to use the WT outlines -- and that's what I always did, researching my own stuff mostly from the Aid book (which was still not available in French) or other literature. I really enjoyed that and was quite upset when it became forbidden (I think in the early 80's). Even when I had to use an outline I never really stuck to it. In the Bethel local congregation, there was a Branch Committee member who always tried to follow on the outline and it was fun getting him lost, just by putting the same ideas differently.

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