Flowers For Erica

by silentlambs 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • silentlambs

    I received the suggestion below in an email and thought it might be a nice gesture. If you would like to send flowers or cards of support to the courthouse the address is:

    Adams County Courthouse

    210 West Broadway

    Ritzville, WA

    The date of trial is August 14 through 16 as I understand it.

    The email I received:

    Is there any other way short of actually traveling to Ritzville, that we may show our support for Erica? However, I’d like to do something to show support that is more than just symbolic. I feel sure that many people will feel this way, so if you or we can think up some way to show support I’d be willing to do it.

    Sitting here writing, I’m wondering how it would work if all Erica’s supporters sent flowers to her in care of the court all on the same day? I feel certain that many of the folks on the bb would be happy to do that if they can’t actually be present. I wonder at the testimony? I mean, the court has got to do something with the flowers, and they would be addressed to Erica, after all.

  • Billygoat

    I'll be happy to support by sending a card! I don't have any extra money at the time, so I hope something simple like a card will do. Just to let her know she's being prayed for. To whose attention do we send it to???


  • silentlambs

    her full name is Erica Rodriguez

  • Billygoat

    What's the zip code?

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    Bill: This is a really good thought, but I suggest you check with Erica's lawyer, or the prosecuting lawyer if she is not directly represented by counsel. I am a lawyer and I have seen judges become annoyed by what they consider "theatrical gestures" in the courtroom. I realize that is not your intention, but it might work against the prosecution if there is a constant stream of flower deliveries interrupting the proceedings. Perhaps if it can be arranged so that all flowers are delivered at once it would not be disruptive.

  • TweetieBird

    I think a card sent to her would be great. If you have an address, please post it. If nothing else, she would know that there are many out there supporting her in spirit.

  • teejay


    The zip:

    210 W Broadway Ave
    Ritzville, WA 99169-1860

  • teejay

    btw, the main drag in the city looks kinda homey, wouldn't you say?

  • silentlambs

    I have had many saying they are going to send flowers. I got a call from Germany at 3:30 am. In broken english I was made to understand they wanted to send flowers in support of Erica. It is touching to see how many see this issue and want to lend support. It is a statement, the victims will no longer be ignored.

  • Maximus

    Sounds great.

    What I'd like to know is this:

    Who will send flowers to the little girl who just died on an operating table in India, her death due to inadvertent air embolism produced by the surgeon's attempts to keep her blood "in circuit" per Society instructions?

    Kids DIE all the time because of this evil blood policy. This does not lessen the anguish of the silent lambs, but let us never forget an even greater evil.


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