Flowers For Erica

by silentlambs 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • juicy

    Regarding the radio interview Erica had, I can share a few details
    Erica was interviewed by a spanish radio staition, she was asked by her lawyer if she wanted to do the interview, both Erica and her lawyer thought it would be a good thing , but not until after the sentencing.
    When Manuel Beliz was convicted of two counts chid molestation and two counts of child rape and sentenced to 11 and some years it was then that Erica did the phone interview with the radio station.
    In that interview she was not allowed to say Manuels name, she did mention she had no support from old friends in Othello and that she was shocked to see how so many were there to support (Manuel).
    Erica did mention she was a Jehovah's witness,and that (Manuel) was a JW as well, and would be sitting in jail as one for the next 11 and a half years. I personally could tell you one thing she was very carefull on what she said because she was a loyal JW and did not want to stain "Jehovah's" name.
    The main topic of the interview was how she was able to come foward with what had happened to her and to encourage others who have been raped or molested to come foward with any kind of abuse and the steps they can take.
    What gets me is Nytele's comment on the fact that the cong. did not support her because she was on the radio and they felt that Erica had some how stabbed them in their backs, how could that be if she did the interview after the trial? Well I guess that will remain a mystery.
    This is such an encouraging site for Erica and I hope that anybody else out there who has gone through a similer experience knows that we are there for them too, It's a hard journey but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Grunt

    Thanks a lot for the information. Maybe some of the sincere Witnesses there found the whole thing a little sickening. I hope so. Maybe in time it will begin to work on their consciences a little. If you have been following some of the other threads you know that in other cases the elders involved took legal loopholes to keep from testifying against child molesters. While this can and does happen in every religion of any size, I guess, it is in how the people react to it that you see their real colors. Do they show love and compassion or just victimize the innocent some more. The Jehovah's Witnesses as an organization have demonstrated more than once that it is not the person who is injured that they worry about, it is their own vanity, ego, whatever you want to call it. They would and do in fact sell their families down the river rather than face facts, or bad press. I am glad to hear this site comforts Erica. Given the mixed posts you find on this board that speaks to her own maturity and understanding. Please overlook those who childishly insult others and those who show a lack of appreciation for what some victims have been through. We are all at different levels in our experience, our withdrawal from a controlling cult, and in our own personal depth. It takes depth, to have real empathy. Sometimes you need to have suffered pain, to appreciate the suffering of others. There are many here who have suffered greatly from the same source, and who are still suffering from that source. I believe there are many lurkers here who benefit from knowing just what has really gone on in cases like Erica's. As I have said before, I wish Erica all the best, she has earned it with her courage.

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