Are Bethelites more likely to leave the JWs than others?

by Gill 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gill

    Have you any experience of families whose sons have gone off to Bethel and then decided to not have any more contact with their family and JWs AT ALL very soon after returning?

    I ask this question because I know of two families where this has been the case.

    The first family had three sons who one after the other went to the London Bether to 'serve' within a couple of years of eachother.

    After three years there all three returned home completely different people. They then left home, left dub land, two married non JWs and another lives with his girlfriend. As far as their parents know, they all have children. Not one of these children has even met their JW grandparents. These grandparents complained bitterely about why or what reason there was for this but they never found out and gradually accepted they wouldn't see their sons again. They appeared to be quite a nice couple as well, the JWs, couldn't see any reason for their sons completely cutting them off.

    Another case, the son went to the Bethel in London for about 9months, returned home and left JW land forever. He just he didn't want to know about 'it' any more and that was it.

    Are people who have volunteered to work at a Bethel more likely to see sense about the WTBTS than those who dumbly attend meetings at a local KH and still believe the fantasy?

    A relative who is a Bethelite, recently gave a funeral talk for a member of hubbys family. He rushed to speak to my husband, even though family know we don't 'go' any more, and apologised that the talk was going to be so 'bare because the Society have now got a scripted funeral talk and I can't deviate from their script.'

    So are they cleverer than the R and F and at risk of coming to their sense sooner?

  • katiekitten

    After I left the dubs I got laid by a recently left London Bethel boy - fantastic! He left because him and his friends had all been asked to leave Bethel pronto because they went once to Stringfellows (nightclub). I think they were given about 24 hours to get out. Charming, no thanks for all their free frickin work or anything.

    BTW I have an ex sister in law who I think is still at London Bethel, but know what? I cant find the london bethel phone number anywhere, so I cant catch up with her. Does anyone know Sarah Leighton? (new surname now, as she got remarried)

  • gumby

    Hey rumpy bumpy Gill ( still havent gotten over it )......I know of 7 different brothers who served at Bethel and they are all still dubs. I believe these ones have seen and learned of things in Bethel they didn't expect nor did they like.......but they keep their mouth shut. The only former Bethelites who badmouth Bethel are those who decide to leave and have had enough.

    Serving at Bethel puts a former Bethelite on a pedestal for life in a dubs world and is viewed as a great USUALLY only decenters talk poop on it and leave and these are a minority compared to all who have served/serve.


  • Narkissos

    Anyone who climbs the organisational ladder gathers higher reasons to leave and higher reasons to stay. Characters and circumstances make the difference.

    I was in the French Bethel in the early 80s. Besides a close friend of mine who was df'd with me and another I later heard of, who had become "inactive," I'm not aware that any other has left. Perhaps there are some nice surprises coming up, but thus far it's not so much.

    However the cynicism of many long-time Bethelites is simply amazing.

  • luna2

    The PO's son in my first congregation (in Illinois) went away to Bethel after graduating highschool (and doing his pioneering stint for a year). He was there for a couple years, came home, and very shortly moved to Washington to open a business with another ex-Bethel boy. They both left the truth. I'm not sure if he told his folks before or after he moved to Washington that he was dropping out as I'd moved by the time he came home. I always wondered what it was that happened at the Big House that caused him to leave the troof...of course, that was before I started doing some online research. Now I get it.

  • carla

    I just listened to Paul Blizzard's testimony that included his time at NY Bethel. Wow. What a waste of so many lives. carla

  • Bagira

    In Hungary, I know two brothers (+ myself) who have worked at Bethel and are no longer witnesses.....



  • Joyzabel

    Ray Franz said to me once............"once you've seen the kitchen, you know what the resteraunt is really like "

  • greendawn

    I once heard one Bethelite say to another If you don't want to be under their thumb you should consider pioneering so perhaps he was not happy with being at Bethel.

  • jeeves

    i've heard that at the bethel here in canada (not sure if they're all like this) they sound an alarm-type-of-bell-thing at 5AM and they all have to report for breakfast, and sermons.

    that's enough to make me quit! no jesus before my coffee!!

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