Drama at DC in KC

by stillajwexelder 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheListener

    It's not about money. It's about education.

    An educated witness is a dangerous thing. In fact the process of education is even dangerous for a witness. Witnesses are trained to think of things in only one way. They don't usually even consider other applications of what they read/see. College will encourage them to see all sides of a subject. BAD BAD BAD for dubs.

  • stillajwexelder

    Pardon my ignornace but who does the responsibility for Conventions come under - Service, Teaching, ? on the GB - in other words is it Jaracz dead hand behind all this?

  • itsallgoodnow
    It's not about money. ; It's about education. ;

    An educated witness is a dangerous thing. ; In fact the process of education is even dangerous for a witness. ; Witnesses are trained to think of things in only one way. ; They don't usually even consider other applications of what they read/see. ; College will encourage them to see all sides of a subject. ; BAD BAD BAD for dubs.

    And it's also about selfish greed. They don't really care if anybody leaves or stays, just as long as they can take the most they can from them. They are drooling over 18 year old kids, who don't legally need to be in school, and their lives are not in full swing yet, no kids, no marriage, no mortgage, no medical bills or health concerns. They want to exploit these poor stupid kids and have them do most of the work for a few years, and who cares when they become washed up, bitter and in a great deal of debt. Hopefully the boys would have been made an elder by then, or else they will get the additional bonus of forever being looked down on for being poor and stupid. They don't care how things turn out for these kids. It's a cycle that will continue and will never change. Every year there are new kids to exploit. I'm surprised they haven't gone back to enforcing that women not work but pioneer instead. But, since women have babies and things to care for, I guess they can't get as much work out of them as the teenagers. This just makes my blood boil. I hate hearing about this. I hate that thousands of kids lives will be f&*cked up because of this, because their parents are too stupid to know better.

  • Whiskeyjack


    They're still laying these guilt trips on kids? I think DanTheMan hit the nail on the head regarding the org.'s attitude towards working class kids. I still remember the guilt job Franz did on us at the Montreal International Assembly back in '84 or '85 (I remember feeling like a "terrible" christian when I was 18 that summer) . Cost me a lot of years!

    Given the reality of today's marketplace, I hope many families won't be influenced by this kind of drivel though (especially when it doesn't work on their "betters").


  • seattleniceguy

    Sheesh. This is really nuts. Those poor kids are going to have such a hard time with all the mixed signals.

    I remember back in 1997 arguing with my dad about going to college. He wanted me to go, but I was determined to "be content with sustenance and covering." Mainly it's because I thought it was what was required. At that time the sands were shifting. But if they're now shifting back...pity the kids. Geez.

    Maybe the hardline stand will be good, though. Hopefully more of the young people will snap awake.


  • blondie

    Is he still on the Teaching Committee?


    6/1 p. 25 Gilead School Sends Out Its 100th Class ***

    Theodore Jaracz, a member of the Teaching Committee of the Governing Body, served as chairman.


    w95 5/15 p. 23 Flashes of Light—Great and Small (Part 2) ***

    The Teaching Committee is responsible for congregation meetings, special assembly days, circuit assemblies, and district and international conventions as well as the various schools for the spiritual education of God’s people.

  • stillajwexelder

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh - the penny has dropped - so the DC comes under the purview of Jaracz and hence the mixed signals of College OK in a Watcgtower - but not OK at a DC --- 'tis a GB power struggle

  • love2Bworldly

    The real message is STAY IGNORANT! If you become too intelligent, you might leave the BS society.

  • sonnyboy
    The reason they are hinting that the end will come in 2034 and telling the kids not to go to college is because they want more money.

    Exactly. The Bible makes it perfectly clear that NO ONE KNOWS when the end will come (not that I believe it ever will come). I'm astounded by the fact that they keep on claiming to know.

    Their whole idiology revolves around "the end". They could do so much good for the world if they focused on "the present" once in a while.

  • RunningMan
    Their members would have a lot more disposable income to donate if they went to college!

    Well, yes, they would have more income if they went to college; however, the chance of them remaining a member is much lower. So, in the end, the society's best strategy is to keep the membership uneducated. In the donation department, a little something is better than a big nothing.

    And, as for the mixed signals, I don't think they are really mixed. It's just like voting. They put out a magazine with a reasonable, balanced view. But, every knows that the real policy has not changed - no college. Tell the outsiders one thing in print, but make sure the insiders know better verbally.

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