The college issue was one of the first areas that I could plainly see that they were talking out of both sides of their mouth. Out of one side of their mouth they were saying to get it but out of the other side they were saying not to get it. And they would give unreasonable and unbelievable examples of what they thought a person should do. I would shake my head in disbelief at the unreality of the stupid things they would say!
Years ago while I was still active I remember mentioning to someone that I would never in good conscience bring a kid there. Why, so some idiot could discourage him/her from getting an education and then that kid would hate me when they were older? If you really think about it, they would hate the "truth" and by extension they would hate Jehovah because those are the reasons they didn't get their education. Who is going to pay their bills when they are 40? The idiot who told them not to get an education? The saddest part about this is that the persons in the congregation who are influencing the young and impressionable are persons who are not exactly something to look up to. For instance, you have cases of ones who are some kind of public assistance or other aid and who are not really responsible who are going around influencing certain ones not to get an education. I know of a case in point of a young man who has been influenced to his detriment to drop out of college by certain ones. Sadly, the more responsible e.g. educated/affluent men in the congregation did not associate with him so therefore they had no influence.
To sum it all up: there is no accountability there. Just hypocrisy, bullshit and heads in the sand. If you are related to the right people maybe you'll be okay. For everyone else: let the buyer beware!!!