What does your username mean?

by closer2fine 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    RedhorseWoman said

    Zev, your question of ChuckD just made me think of something. I know he knows my cousins formerly from the Warren cong....the Rodrigues. Do you know them, also?

    possibly. i would need first names to go with that. {e-mail them if you would rather not give them out here}one hint...of a popular name from warren....always tip your hat to a lady. hint hint. i sort of/kinda knew them. also very famialar with lots of dubs in seekonk as well. and of course lincoln/pawtucket, as well as some in e. providence.

    -Zev, honourary member, The hurling class
    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • AGuest

    Psalm 15:1...

    Peace to you!


  • noidea


    The feeling of having no direction after learning the truth about the "truth". It is like learning there is no Santa Clause. The rug pulled out completely. What direction to take? What to believe? Who to believe? It means that it is time to grow up and be responsible for my spiritual direction and not putting my trust in nobles to supply it for me. When I think about where do I start to pick up the pieces. My answer, "I have (no idea)".

  • jurs

    I use Jurs because my last name is Jursnick

  • beroea

    My name came from Act. 17:11. "....for they "Beroea" received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefylly examining the Scriptures daily AS TO WHETHER THESE THINGS WERE SO".

    Thats just what I'm doing according to the Borg.


  • ladonna

    Mine is actually from an opera that I HATED having to do.
    After that my friends called me La Donna Ana; now shortened to La Di Da Donna...lol's.

    So....I knew that in Italian La Donna meant "The Woman"......

    No great story......but the Mozart opera Don Giovanni........never again!!!!!!!!!

    Slayer: do you post under two names or am I seeing things???


  • Farkel

    "Farkel." It's an old and established name that goes back thousands and thousands of years. Well, maybe not. It goes back to the old "Laugh In" TV series than was on for thousands and thousands of years. Well maybe not quite that long.

    I don't care where it came from. I like it and people like it. And that is all I want to say about that.


  • Farkel

    "Farkel." It's an old and established name that goes back thousands and thousands of years. Well, maybe not. It goes back to the old "Laugh In" TV series that was on for thousands and thousands of years. Well maybe not quite that long.

    I don't care where it came from. I like it and people like it. And that is all I want to say about that. For thousands and thousands of years people will like to call me "Farkel." Well, maybe not quite that long. Maybe I'll be remembered for lying a lot. That's ok, too. As long as people remember that for thousands and thousands of years.

    Oh, nevermind!.........


  • GentlyFeral

    I explained this (I think!) in the "baby names" thread Hippikon started.

    Several years ago I got involved in a "find your porn star name" and came up with this. "Gently" is the name of our first dog (my sister sure could pick names!) and "Ferrall" is the name of a branch of our family. I don't know what it *means* exactly except, um, it shows my fine appreciation of paradoxes. Or something.

    (Hippikon, what does *your* name mean?)

    The bodacious, curvaceous


    "There were cockroaches of course,
    but very clean cockroaches."
    -- Julia Vinograd

  • Farkel

    : The bodacious, curvaceous

    Can you be more specific? You brought this stuff up, you know. Use calipers. I want all the angles and all the measurements.

    Farkel, who only occassionally brags about brain stuff....

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