Does the idea of a bodyless soul make sense? Could the 'soul' stay sane?

by IronGland 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Narkissos
    the obscure reality lurking behind the drug of consciousness

    Wow. My left angular gyrus loved that one.

  • LittleToe

    doof:The question is, could you stay sane, in that state?

  • Satanus


    Yes, original buddhism is totally atheistic, aspiritual.

    Perhaps the only phenomanon that can seriously challenge the premis that all is chemical activity based is nde's. A medical mag (lancet 1981) did a report on a europe based study some time ago. It did give some evidence for extrachemical consciousness. You can see it here There is another nde study ongoing, in england, i believe.


  • doofdaddy

    Cheers MORE reading ha ha.

    Wasn't sure Little toe of the question mate. The experience with chemicals can only be explained as here and now . The awareness of sanity doesn't "come up". Very hard to explain. I tell you though, I challenged my sanity after, particularly when predicitions of a "guide"voice in the experience came true.....

  • Satanus


    I have had a vial of salvia sitting around for over a yr. Did you do dmt only once? Did you have a sitter?


  • doofdaddy

    Yeah Satanus, as you probably have been told, you don't find DMT, it finds you(at the correct time). Who knows? Once, combined with many spiritual experienes was enough for me. It took years to process all the experience. Ultimately, it was beneficial but can I say a word of warning, be careful of who you choose as your helper and dose. Both for me were way too much. I was gone for 40 minutes, communicating with aliens etc and the helper proved to be a prankster. If you know what I mean. Happy travels

  • Satanus


    Ooops. I meant salvia divinorum. It's really high in dmt.

    According to what i read, 40 minutes on dmt is a really long time. If you have the time and inclination, i would be interested in the story of your trip. You can pm me. If not, that's ok.


  • doofdaddy

    Cheers Satanus. Here in Australia, it's about 2:30 am so getting tired but I am more than happy to fill the story out. A rocky road it is to enlightenment and understanding. PM is probably appropriate as others may find the subject boring/harrowing! I'll write v soon, cheers

  • tetrapod.sapien

    Rod P,

    i appreciate the work you put into explaining your system. i am not dismissing it out of hand, but i am trying to understand it as well as posing some questions of a skeptical nature.

    Let us also concede that Evolution and Natural Selection was the process by which all life on planet earth came into being, evolving into what we see today, allowing for extinctions and mutations, etc.

    so, by this it would be logical to presume that all biological organisms have a "soul"? plants, fungi and bacteria? or just homo sapiens?

    They are right here, right now, in all and thru all. They are not "out there" or "somewhere else".

    okay. so you are saying that you have some special ancient knowledge? and these are non physical vibration plane beings that interact with us from other dimensions (11 dimensional hyper-space that string theorists say are probably curled up very tightly)? are they in a body cavity of mine? or do they only interact with molecules, atoms, neurons and synapses though another mechanism? i use the word mechanism, because if they are interacting with the physical, then it is fair to say that at least on this side of curtain they are using some sort of interface.

    but which happen to be manifesting on this "physical plane".

    how do you know this? to me it sounds a little too convenient, but then again it could just be a bad case of hindsight blindness on my part.

    I will be the first to admit there are a lot of weirdos and hoaxsters in these areas.

    this is good of you to mention. but i am curious as to how you draw the line between what can be dismissed out of hand, and what cannot just be "explained away". and who has the right to do this? lay folk? paranormal investigators? scientists?

    For those of you who may be willing to become serious students or investigators of the paranormal, I would say that you will discover many possibilities beyond what the scientists are telling us.

    just be careful not to be labeled a pseudo-scientist. if you really want to be taken seriously with your findings (and it would be great if you found some!), you have to be extra thorough with your methodology.

    So now, as to the question "Does the idea of a bodiless soul make sense?" and "Could the 'soul' stay sane?" my answer is "Yes, to both."
    so now you are calling these non-physical plane entities souls? is it just for the sake of usability, or for the sake of paradigm? i still don't understand from reading your thesis, how it follows that there is un-explained phenomenon occurring that should be given the title credit of "soul"?
  • Markfromcali

    The second question kind of comes from one's own experience doesn't it? For some no doubt bodily experiences (or just experiences, period) are all there is, so naturally it would make no sense. And I guess objectively you would need to be able to measure the non-physical, and there's a question of how far that can ultimately go even if you can to some extent.

    There are people who are not identified with the body or the psyche, and yet is very engaged as a human being much of the time - just not stuck with it. Maybe people just don't tend to notice that or see that, (and I gotta say they seem to be relatively few in number) because if you are so identified with your perceptions you will have some projected interpretation of this phenomena. By the way, I'm sure many of you have observed that many people who are into astral travel or whatever are very much identified egoically, and they have a lot of drama. I suppose that doesn't necessarily say anything about whether there is a soul apart from the body, but it does show that they are under the impression that there is a separate someone apart from everything else.

    I gotta say, it's getting harder for me to comment on this kind of stuff, because to me the mind is such a dynamic instrument that pinning down a particular way of thinking and then identifying with it as my belief and my view is not only a grossly inefficient use of it, but also terribly limiting and quite ridiculous. Even though I'm not an intellectual, when I see that it's just like "... what do you say to that?" Not in terms of content but the state of mind. I was on a Yahoo group where someone mentioned they were glad to meet so and so in person at this group, and then someone who has never been said 'is so and so an elder?' (yeah maybe JW, but could be Mormon, Quaker or whatever) Part of my reaction was like "what planet are you from??" Despite having been through the JW thing, posting here and knowing that she's never been to our group, which has no such thing or the organizational structure implied in her question, (this is satsang, for those of you who are familiar) it just sounded so alien to me

    Well, I'm sure this isn't really intellectually stimulating or informative, so carry on.

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