no stones please!

by almosthome 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JV

    EF, I guess the american government is evil too, what's the death toll in Iraq? up to about 2000 unecessary deaths. I mean i just can't see the GB sitting in a dark room huddled around a big table scheming up evil plans like a bunch of third rate B movie villans, as much as some people want to belive that I have a feeling that isn't the case. In labeling an organization "evil" I think you have to look at their intentions. I don't think the JW's intentions are evil. Sure the JW's have some messed up policies but what organization or religion doesn't?

    Avishai, after re-reading whiskeyjacks post i've realized my mistake, can you find it in your heart to forgive such a simpleton like me?

  • Abaddon


    I endorse your right TO a choice, but cannot agree with THE choice you make.

    If it is the truth, it need not hide. Yet it does; dissent within the Congregation is squashed. One is not alloowed to sincerely question doctrine without having ones faith and integrity questioned.

    Outside of the Congregation I have spent my time learning about JW's in a way I was never allowed to within the Congregation. I can now see why they have to crush dissent or the questioning of doctrine.

    To be blunt, they have to. They change doctrine all the time, yet criticise other faiths when they modify their doctrines, such as the 1914 generation. At the same time they ignore the interpretation of 1,000's of scholars and select one that allows them to retain other doctrines, such as the literalistic belief in Creation and the Flood in the face of convincing evidence neither happened as the Bible describes, or the 607 dating (the 1914 generation doctrine is bulit on)!. Similar contradictions exist over the blood issue; a constantly revised doctrine that goes beyond the interpretation of the vast majority in the first place, yet is held on to for the sake of credibility. Have you checked to see whether oral sex is allowed? Your husband might be interested to know it isn't.

    If you want to go back to a unreliable organsiation that punishes people for challenging shakey doctrines and - at the same time - changes shakey doctrine whenever it suits them, if you want to go back to an Organisation that suppresses freedom of speech, and prevents you exercising your conscience in a free manner, an Organsiation that disfellowships members for activities the Organsiation itself endorses by its own actions, an Organsiation that conceals wrongdoers in the Congregation ... I'm sorry for you.

    Tell you what; I will believe you are making an effort to make a competent decison in whether you will return or not if you can read 'Crisis of Conscience' by Raymond Franz, and still feel that Jehovah's Witnesses are anything more than just another religion, with their good point, bad ooints, and no claim to any special place in god's plan.

    What you have been "infected" with is a belief there is a TRUTH. There isn't. You can fill your need for spirituality without ever entering a church or joining a religion. You have swallowed a lie; that you need men to act as your intercessor before god.

    I wish you well.

  • moanzy

    You may want to prepare yourself for how you will be treated when you return to the "flock". You will find they think your brain must have fell out of your head for the whole time you were not a witness. They will think they need to tell you how to dress properly since you have been a worldly person, they may remind you not to partake of the emblems as you may have somehow thought you are one of the 144,000, be prepared for an elder to approach you about proper sex in the bedroom as your evil husband may have corrupted you view on sex, also please prepare your husband for the news that he will no longer have any say in your family life and well-being as you will be under the elders command.

    There is so much more that you may not be aware of, but sometimes it is best to just experience it on your own so you can renew your memory of why you left in the first place.


  • EvilForce

    Their intentions are to stay in a position of power and abuse the flock. They have cavalierly allowed brothers in Malawi to die for a political card, yet allowed Mexican brothers bribe officials on their cards. They know their stand on blood is now unsound medically. Instead of owning up to their responsibility they choose to "look good" instead. Many more will die of this policy. The GB knows this but does not care. Image is more important than accurate knowlege. The ivory tower thinking they have continues to cause great harm.

    A drunk driver that gets into a car crash had no intentions of hurting anyone when he/she got behind the wheel. Tell the victims family that the drunk didn't have any evil intentions. Think that makes them feel better? But you see, the GB is WORSE, because they know their decisions will cause death and yet continue with their actions. What these men do in the name of God makes me sick.

  • JV

    EF, i don't know much about the Mexico/Mawali thing so i'm in no position to comment. How do you know that they think their stand on blood is unsound medically? were you at that meeeting cause if you have the minutes I'd like to see them. My personal stance is for dire situations blood is fine and dandy but for elective procedures, i just feel no blood is the safer route, take that for what you will.

    You make the GB out to be like a bunch of Mr. Burn's type people. In their minds they think they're doing the right thing not out to intentionally hurt people. What about the muslims who blow up innocent people in the name of God? is that ok with you? or how bout Mr. Benny Hinn who gives people the false hope of "miracle healings" is he ok in your books? Alot of other people do things in the name of God that are disgusting too

  • EvilForce

    JV, your personal choice in choosing blood or not is your right. It's your body. But is your opinion gospel for other people? Of course not. However, I hear a bit of JW programming in you. Taking blood under "dire circumstances" is ok but not "electively" taking it? If you require a blood transfusion guess what.....IT'S FRICKING DIRE! It's not as if you walk into the doctor's office and say, "Yo doc, give me a flu shot, a refill on my allergy meds, oh...and how about 2 pints of blood, I'm feeling a bit peckish".

    While you ask me if I was in a GB meeting in order to take notes and to know "what they knew and when they knew it".... you seem able to make an opposite conclusion.... "In their minds they think they're doing the right thing not out to intentionally hurt people." Were YOU there? Cause I'd like to see the minutes of that meeting myself.

    The current blood stand is bording on the insane. It's like having a serious debate on how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. However, regardless of the outcome of the debate on angels dancing on a pin head....people won't die. These GB members never shy away from telling faithful Dub's what their responsibility to the borg is...and that the FDS is Jah's mouthpiece. They know their responsibilities. Are you saying they are just bumbling fools trying to do what's right? I think not.

    You keep dragging unrelated issues into the discussion. We are not talking about the American Military, nor muslims, nor Benny Hinn. Those can all be saved for another thread. We are on the thread of this woman returning to the Dub's.

  • greendawn

    People on this forum are not singling out the WTS for criticism, they make criticisms wherever this is due, but if we examine the Governing Body history, analyse it carefully and get the overall picture we will see that there is a lot more in it than innocent unintentional mistakes. There is a lot of lying and subtle manipulation and an absolute presumptious refusal to accept constructive criticism from anyone.

    I think you are over-idealising them, the blood issue cost a lot of needless deaths and shunning ruined many families.

  • JV

    Greendawn, if i'm over idealizing them then I think some other people are over demonizing them. I haven't see the new drama yet but if it's anything like i've been reading in some of the threads here, then i'll call bulls%it on them cause like i've said in one of my previous posts it's total shite to all but come out and say that you shouldn't go to university with out actually saying it.

    EF, you're the one who said that what these people do makes you sick, i'm playing devils advocate here, bringing in some counter points, relax buddy it's just an internet forum. If you want to start up another thread on that topic then i'm game, lets have a discussion.

    As for the blood issue, I have no background in biology, i'm no rocket scientist nor do i profess to be, i'm sure if I studied up a bit we could have a good discussion, but give me some credit i'm not a complete f*cking retard.

    As for the "programming" give me a break, what am I? a robot, if you've read some of my previous posts i'm not all to happy with the stance on education, myself being a university student. So please leave the brainwashing crap out of it.

    The fact is, pretty much nobody knows what goes down in a GB meeting so to speculate is pointless.

  • Dragonlady76

    Your story is very sad, however you choose your path and continue to defend the society. I would say more but my intention is not to insult you. Maybe some day you will clear the haze in your mind.


  • rebel8
    No agenda beyond that sharing, and no intention to hurt anyone.

    hmmmm...I'm sure you are telling the truth in that you had no conscious motive to share. What about subconscious? Give that some more thought. You entered a forum full of mostly xjws and those who have been terribly hurt by being a JW, told them a terrible tale of mental and physical abuse when you were a JW, then said you're going back. Surely that was not without some type of subconscious symbolism to you. (Hint: Your post has predictably resulted in pages of people trying to talk you out of it.)

    You said you are not free now that you're "in the world". That's unfortunate. However, that's a far cry from meaning JWs are right. Happiness is something we all work to achieve, no matter what religion you are. Happiness comes much easier when you are free of oppression and coercion. Leaving the borg gives you a sense of relief. Happiness comes only when you work at it by making your life one that's worth living.

    Seems to me your happiness has been longer to come because of the situations you got into when you were in the borg. Being a single mother and an abuse victim are obstacles to overcome.

    I'm glad you didn't personally experience any conspiracies. Do you think just because you personally didn't experience it that it didn't happen to others? With that logic I could (but I won't) say that no one is molested as a child because it didn't happen to me. Not very logical, is it?

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