DA used to be used for unbaptized DFing

by rebel8 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NeonMadman

    And, to be as complete as possible in this, here is the same topic as discussed in the new book, Organized to do Jehovah's Will:


    What of unbaptized publishers who become involved in serious wrongdoing? Since they are not baptized members of the congregation, they cannot be formally disfellowshipped. However, they may not fully understand the Bible’s standards, and kind counsel may help them to make straight paths for their feet. If an unbaptized wrongdoer is unrepentant after two elders have met with him and have tried to help him, then it is necessary to inform the congregation. A brief announcement is made, stating: "[Name of person] is no longer recognized as an unbaptized publisher." The congregation will then view the wrongdoer as a person of the world. Although the offender is not disfellowshipped, Christians exercise caution with regard to any association with him. (1 Cor. 15:33) No field service reports would be accepted from him.

    In time, an unbaptized person (adult or minor) who was removed as a publisher may wish to renew his association with the congregation and become a publisher again. In that situation, two elders would meet with him and ascertain his spiritual progress. If he

    has a good attitude, a Bible study may be held with him. If he progresses spiritually and eventually qualifies, a brief announcement can be made, stating: "[Name of person] is again recognized as an unbaptized publisher."

  • blondie

    No, you had it right, rebel8, in the sense that they were treated like DF'd people until November 15, 1988. The procedure may not have been called disassociation but these people were not talked to just like DF'd people. Formerly, such a person was termed an "approved associate." If he thereafter unrepentantly broke God’s laws, the congregation was alerted, and the members would then avoid association and conversation with him.

    w89 2/15 p. 29 Questions From Readers


    Does the material on being approved by God mean that Christians may speak to one who once was considered an "approved associate" but later, because of wrongdoing, was to be avoided?

    Yes, it does. The Watchtower of November 15, 1988, showed why it is Scriptural to adjust our view of an unbaptized person who shares in the public ministry with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Formerly, such a person was termed an "approved associate." If he thereafter unrepentantly broke God’s laws, the congregation was alerted, and the members would then avoid association and conversation with him.

  • rebel8

    Interesting guys! I left in the '80s and my memory is fuzzy. All I remember is we had a bunch of unbaptized teenagers who did drugs and had sex--it was announced from the platform that they were DAd and we were not allowed to talk to them or eat with them, just like a DFd person. Guess it was a local misinterpretation of the rules.

    If it's not the case, then you may have it mixed up with "marking", which was definitely used.

    Yeah, I remember marking and public reproof. In my cong marking was not done by mentioning a person's name. There was a talk given about a specific topic and we were told if we knew anyone doing that type of wrongdoing we should mark them in our minds as bad association. PR was when a person repented. 1 unbaptized teen was publicly reproofed when all the others were DAd. I think the DAd people were actually reinstated by announcement on the platform too. Sounds like they were misusing both PR and DA.

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler

    I was an unbaptized publisher and was DA'd for smoking in 1982.

  • blondie

    No, you had it right, rebel8, in the sense that they were treated like DF'd people until November 15, 1988. The procedure may not have been called disassociation but these people were not talked to just like DF'd people. Formerly, such a person was termed an "approved associate." If he thereafter unrepentantly broke God’s laws, the congregation was alerted, and the members would then avoid association and conversation with him.

  • nicolaou

    My unbaptised brother was 'dissacociated' in 1981. You can read his story here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/21351/1.ashx

  • rebel8

    What a sad story!

  • Jankyn

    Yup, they did it that way in the 70s. Never baptized, but "disassociated" in '77 for political affiliation (was elected student body president of my high school). At that point, it had been two years since I'd dropped out of the ministry school and stopped going out in field service. It was a bit of fun to explain to my friends (the "cool" kids) why the JW kids wouldn't speak to me--especially since the most ardent practioners of shunning were such incredible dorks. And it really pissed my mom off, though she didn't do anything about it.

    Then, in the mid-80s, they all started speaking to me again, like it never happened.

    Now that I'm out of the closet, when I go home, it's a toss-up as to who will speak to me and who will shun me. I've made it into a game: will they or won't they? I bet with myself. You can often tell if someone's going to shun you by the way they set their faces as soon as they see you. What's really funny is the ones who will speak to me if I'm with my still-active and long-suffering mom, but shun me if I'm with my df'd dad.

    But the fact is, unbaptized kids were disassociated for a period of time. My memory is that it was during the same time period when they were flip-flopping back and forth about how to treat "disfellowshipped" ones.

    Jankyn, been there done that class

  • rebel8

    Is it just my imagination or did they used to announce the reason for the DFing/DAing? I thought they said "immorality" and such from the platform, but maybe I'm imagining things.

    I have no idea why I'm asking these questions. Just popped into my head.

  • Cordelia

    Yes they did that in england too, i only just realised that daing was something you could do yourself!

    my friend got daed in 1994 for having a pellet gun in his car, ok he tookit out and scared everyone at the circuit assembly. but he was repentent but coz hewasnt baptized his punnishment was daing, they said he would of been dfed if he was baptized,

    so in england they defo did it that way

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