DA used to be used for unbaptized DFing

by rebel8 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 144001

    Personally, I was threatened with disassociation following a childhood run-in with law enforcement. I was told that if I didn't cut off my "worldly associations," my name "will be announced from the platform and no one in the congregation will speak to you again." The elder who made this threat had his fingers in my face, with thumb and forefinger close together, to demonstrate that I was "this close to having [my] name announced from the platform." I laughed in their faces and told them to go ahead and announce it. They never did. Apparently, my dad's political strength in the congregation precluded such an embarrassing announcement.

  • Dragonlady76
    What of unbaptized publishers who become involved in serious wrongdoing? Since they are not baptized members of the congregation, they cannot be formally disfellowshipped. However, they may not fully understand the Bible’s standards, and kind counsel may help them to make straight paths for their feet. If an unbaptized wrongdoer is unrepentant after two elders have met with him and have tried to help him, then it is necessary to inform the congregation. A brief announcement is made, stating: "[Name of person] is no longer recognized as an unbaptized publisher." The congregation will then view the wrongdoer as a person of the world. Although the offender is not disfellowshipped, Christians exercise caution with regard to any association with him. (1 Cor. 15:33) No field service reports would be accepted from him.

    and 2 elders came to my house to talk to me about my "naugtiness" I was a 14 year old non- baptized publisher atm, and I don't remember if they "marked" me or not, but I asked my dad recently and he said they had just announced that "I was no longer a publisher.?" I'm desperately trying to jog my mind here. Does this mean I was JC'd by the elders and that I was DA'd /DF'd or Marked as well? People still talked to me at the hall after the incident. Anybody care to analyze this?


  • SadElder

    Isn't that how they got Michael Jackson out? I don't beieve he was ever baptized .....

  • Sunspot

    When I was still a JW, it had been a while since anybody had been "announced" from the platform. The way it was put was that _______was no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses due to conduct unbecoming a Christian.

    This was one of the most distressing things about leaving, not only not being able to defend my DA letter---but not being able to share with others what I had learned about "Mother"!

    The thoughts of the entire congregation hearing that was the speculation and gossip that would follow (although I have never set foot in a KH again nor do I want to) because I had always been so "squeaky-clean!"

    I have YET to do anything "unbecoming of a Christian" but then........we all know that the WTS has always put their own spin on things.


  • jula71

    Oh, this one I know about. In the mid-80’s before I got baptized I got hauled before a JC for smoking. I then got promptly announced from the platform as “bad association” and should treated as if I was DF’d. All that was after I pretty much begged for help in the JC being truly sorry and feeling guilty, but that is a story for another thread.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Yes, I remember one family that was attending the KH. The father was a non-JW and an alcoholic. There were three daughters, and the congregation was very supportive of the family. Two of the daughters went to the same school as my son. They were about ages 11 and 12 and neither one of the girls were baptized. My son saw them smoking and reported them to the elders. Soon there was an announcement, and no one could speak to these poor girls--there went the support. I'm ashamed to say that I was proud of my son for standing up for what was "right."

    I shudder now when I think of the repercussions. One of them ended up on drugs and the other in jail. Interestingly, years later the elder who made the announcement commented to my husband and me how the Society with a flick of the pen can so drastically affect people's lives. This elder is no longer active and is a good friend of my husband (Clyde). He has a lot of regrets, but then so do I.

  • LittleToe

    DL76:If they don't talk to you it's by individual choice (having personally marked you). The approach they should take is to treat you as anyone else on the street.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    The thoughts of the entire congregation hearing that was the speculation and gossip that would follow (although I have never set foot in a KH again nor do I want to) because I had always been so "squeaky-clean!"

    Sunspot - What a powerful mental tool they weild by using this format of removal. I had the exact same feelings about that - I just hated that my former friends and 'brothers' would see me in such evil light, and not know the real reasons I left.

    Now that has faded some - I no longer care really. Since I know that my reputation with them is insignificant.

    "Gossip is the whip used to train the feeble-minded."

    This whole business of removal, shunning, DA, DF, do associate, don't associate, just sickens me when I look back! It has the flavor of pre-school 'clubs' - "You can't be a member - na na na na na na!!!" Juvenile, foolish. Just a bunch of men claiming to run "God's private club"


  • Dragonlady76

    Thx, LT

    I still remember that everyone at the hall talked to me, although I did not really mix with the other witness kids, I really never did fit in with them anyways. . I started skipping meetings around age 15.5...... I think... got a job as an excuse and it went downhill from there. A couple years later the only girl I could have considered a friend in dubland invited me to her wedding, she was genuine and to this day asks my folks how I am.


  • bsmart


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