DA used to be used for unbaptized DFing
by rebel8 31 Replies latest jw experiences
The 2010 Shepherding The Flock Book said, in chapt 5
57. If the unbaptized publisher does not respond to the elders' assistance, thus displaying an unrepentant
attitude, the two elders should inform him that he no longer qualifies as an unbaptized publisher.
Or if he informs the elders that he no longer desires to be a publisher, they will accept his decision.
In either case, the elders will have the following announcement made during the Service Meeting:"[Name of person] is no longer recognized as an unbaptized publisher." Because of his unrepentant
wrongdOing, it would be best for a time not to call on him if he raises his hand to comment at meetings.
58. If the elders see that such a person is a threat to the flock, they can privately warn those endangered.
For example, despite the announcement, the wrongdoer might attempt to socialize with youths in
the congregation. In that situation, the elders would speak privately to the parents of the endangered ones
and maybe to those youths also.