WTS says its statistics are better!

by ozziepost 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ozziepost

    Yep, and how do we feel about that statement by the WTS: While other religious groups count their membership by occasional or annual attendance, this figure reflects only those who are actively involved in the public Bible educational work.

  • LittleToe

    Blondie's right about the time thing, however it would more likely be February and August, because everyone is pushed to get a report in for August so the stats look good for the end of the "Service" year


  • Jourles
    Actually, only old or disabled people with prior approval of the elder body are allowed to report 15 minutes a month and be considered active.

    Oh ok, you're off the hook for now Blondie....

  • ozziepost

    OK, but who are the "other groups" the WTS refers to? Do they exist at all?

    For example, in Australia the statistics for church attendance are taken from the National Church Life Survey - that certainly isn't for once a year attenders, believe me! There's so much to be answered and it's only completed by regular weekly attenders, so again i ask, who are the WTS referring to?

  • LittleToe

    Must be those darned Catholics again, you know how they let anyone be one, notwithstanding "Confirmation", etc.

  • DannyHaszard

    High ranking thread at google news below.

    A Biblical Defense against the Teachings of the Jehovah's ...
    The Conservative Voice - Jun 4, 2005
    by Joseph Yosuk Lee. the Son, and Holy Spirit. All three are the same God, all fully God, yet. nor the Spirit, and the Spirit is neither ...
    Anonymous Posted: 2005/6/15 9:31 Updated: 2005/6/15 9:31
    Mankind is not aware of Jesus' kingship in heaven?????!!!!

    That is your problem dude. Be scared.

    Jesus is exerting his kingly power over his disciples on earth as they are preaching the kingdom in the whole earth. The only ones doing that are JWs. Go Fuc yourselves fools --------------- Classic dub reply to reaso,Danny Haszard Bangor Maine
  • Elsewhere

    I seem to recall a recent WT figure that said 7,000,000. does anyone recall where this was? Maybe the District Convention press release?

  • Netty

    True to form, the WTS always has to put others down. Was that statement even necessary? Maybe they felt it exalted them in some way. I think any outsider would wonder why they feel the need to compare themselves, and that it was just a downright stupid statement.

    This is all bogus data anyway, so many people cheat on their time reports, like I did. I mean I outright lied, by 10 hours per month, just to keep the elders off my case.

    What frauds they are.

  • Jourles
    I seem to recall a recent WT figure that said 7,000,000.

    Yes, I remember this. That particular WT article said that they were now going to start counting the unborn fetuses of pregnant sisters. Of course, the sisters are supposed to provide proof of how many fetuses are growing inside of them - for accuracy. This will require a visit to the OB-GYN for an ultrasound. The reasoning behind this was that if the sister carrying the baby is going out in service, she is essentially "training" the unborn child "from before infancy." If she studies any of the recently released books, she can count those as "bible studies."

  • greendawn

    It is certain that a lot of dubs give in falsified reports to keep the elders off their backs so those statistics are already wrong. Then the GB could cook them further making them totally fictitious. They are well capable of lying and it is almost certain that the annointed figures are fabricated.

    They don't want to give the impression that the org is slowing down.

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