See, you're famous, Zagor!
WTS says its statistics are better!
by ozziepost 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Attendance at the annual Memorial of Christ's death - 16,760,607
Total volunteer hours spent in public Bible educational work - 1.3 billion
Average weekly home Bible courses taught - 6,085,387
Practicing members* - 6,513,132
New members baptized - 262,416
Increase over 2003 - 2.0 percent
Branch offices - 111
Congregations - 96,894
* While other religious groups count their membership by occasional or annual attendance, this figure reflects only those who are actively involved in the public Bible educational work."
Breaking down the numbers...There is an average of 67 people per Hall.
Each person put in an 'average' of 16.5 Hours per month. (Think about that one... how many 'pioneers' are there?)
The 'average weekly home bible courses' - This translates to their own members studying with their own children (poor kids *sadly shaking head*).
If you subtract this number from the number of 'practicing members' ... well, you get about 425,000 that aren't having a 'bible study' in their homes.
Are there this many in bethel? *wide grin*
Increase over 2003 - ONLY 2.0 percent????? WTF!!! Anyone familiar with statistics (not me) will tell you that having only 2% growth is NOT something to be happy about!
In my opinion, this is why they have the catchall CYA statement that defines how they count members.
Jim TX - happy to be among the 'uncounted' and living
LOL, no ozziepost I meant number we gave was added to other numbers of attendees and got published
Any publisher can report 1 hour every 6 months and be considered active without BOE approval.
Really? When I was a semi-active dub (lo, 11 years ago), I was told that you had to go out at least once every month to be considered a regular publisher. (Do they distinguish between "irregular" and "inactive"? I thought they were the same thing.)
gently feral