Boy its hard for teenaged JW's

by skyman 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • defd

    Since you wanna talk about opinions of intelligence, what do you think normies think of the intelligence of JW's dfd?


    getbusy when you say normies what do you mean? People who are are not JWS, never been JWS, what? Are you implying We are not normal? What are you saying

  • 144001

    "Are you implying We are not normal? What are you saying?" Defd

    Given the evidence of substantially greater mental illness amongst Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as their extremely deviant as well as illogical views about everything from holidays and birthday parties to blood transfusions, the "abnormal" nature of Jehovah's Witnesses need not be asserted by anyone here. It's simply a fact.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I guess "normies" means people who don't believe that a tribal God is soon going to kill all but faithful JW's in an upcoming armageddon. They don't believe in talking donkey's, global floods, Sun's standing still, fairy tales.


  • defd


    ok fair enough. I know what other people think about jws intelligence. Mixed review! Some say we are nuts. some say we are not. Some agree. Some disagree with a passion, like most do on here. Thats all fine and dandy. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink is the attitude i have for those who stubbornly and that is the key word STUBBORNLY refuse to listen to reason and clear evidence.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Lets hear some clear evidence. *yawn*


  • EvilForce

    Clear evidence?!?

    Yup I've found clear evidence alright.....

    WTBS falacies

    607 is completely false
    WTBS is a failed prophet
    WTBS has ignored science AND the bible regarding blood
    WTBS has been duplicitous in it's dealing with the Mexican and Malawi brothers
    WTBS has been a part of Satan's org....the UN NGO scandal
    WTBS will trample any individual's right to free speech as quickly as any repressive govt. would do
    WTBS has covered over and white washed it's own past regarding Russell and Rutherford and even Knorr
    WTBS has been wrong on innoculations, blood, launching satellites into space, aluminium cookware, the end of the world,,,etc, etc

    I would have to be a complete "MORON" to keep touting what a great and loving bOrg the WTBS is.

  • Sith

    There it is, right in front of you defd. Now let's see if YOU "stubbornly and that is the key word STUBBORNLY refuse to listen to reason and clear evidence."

  • defd

    Lets hear some clear evidence. *yawn*

    GBL Not if it bores you!

  • love2Bworldly

    Skyman--bet you didn't know your thread was going to start such a commotion! Sheesh

  • GetBusyLiving

    Sorry dfd.. I'm all ears buddy.


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