boy its hard for pretend jws ah no it isnt cos we make it easy for him |
Boy its hard for teenaged JW's
by skyman 45 Replies latest jw friends
LOL.. feel free to respond with your evidence any time dfd.. the lurkers are eagerly waiting. Whenever you feel up to it.
You are doing a good thing.
Please be careful. ..... I have seen this happen. ... A reputation could be established that you are entertaining the youth.
And it only take one of them, .. to, .. slightly, ... twist, ... anything, ... said, .. or action, .. on your part to raise an eyebrow of one elder.
All of a sudden, ... questions are asked to many others, ... to start a little gossip, and, the words, Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Now begins the rocky road.
I have seen this happen more than I can count. On the surface, you are doing a good thing.
Good on you keep up the good work :) es
I thank all of you for you coments. I do know the tight rope I am walking and I tell you it is worth it. I have had it turn on me several times. That is OK the brothers have no authority over me unless I let them. So I'll ride the wave untill this group of teens are gone and the new group will not know me because I don't go anymore untill the time I am DF'd or just forgotten I'm here for them. Besides I am middle aged and in few years I'll not be cool anymore.
Hey, Skyman~
Wow...who'd a thunk I'd be getting to know you better on-line than in the real world? What you're doing (and at such risk to yourself) is awesome. It's good for them to know someone cares and understands.
You will always by cool! Of course, according to your calculations, this is coming from someone who is also "middle-aged" and so probably doesn't count (LOL).
See ya 'round...