The dictionary defines apostacy in behavioral terms, not in terms of thoughts--actions only. Some people are saying the jws are gearing up for mass DA/DFings of faded persons. Makes you wonder.
by truthseeker 33 Replies latest jw friends
The dictionary defines apostacy in behavioral terms, not in terms of thoughts--actions only. Some people are saying the jws are gearing up for mass DA/DFings of faded persons. Makes you wonder.
Does any one know if there is anything in print, ... about the, ... "Apostate state of mind" ???
It would be better to see it in a wt mag.
It's only a matter of time until those demonised muthafokkahs are going to pass out the kool-aid and demand exclusive obedience to Joe Hoba. Drink up, kiddies. Y'all gonna make it to th' Pair-o-Dice cuz Armageddon is just around the corner and Ol' Joe wants you in even if it means a resurrection for you.
Drink, Drink, Drink.
Yep George Orwell's book 1984 surely is evidence that the WTS follows the same line of thinking. Scary isn't it.
I can remember sitting in conventions and assemblies, and they would go on and on about talking about how vile the apostates were. I thought where are they seeing these apostates. I had never heard of one except from them. Later on after I exited I found the ones called apostates here at this site. I have to laugh because it is so stupid. Anyone who opposes them is labled apostate. How convient for those old farts running the organization.
HEY ANY OF YOU LURKERS GO THE LOCAL LIBRARY AND GET THE BOOK CALLED "1984" OR EVEN THE MOVIE. Its nothing about the WTBTS but the parallel is amazing. Thought crimes, anyone questioning the society is guilt of it.