Comments You Will Not Hear at the 6-19-05 WT Study (Resurrection 3)

by blondie 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Blueblades

    Blondie, You do an excellant job at dismantling faulty reasoning specific to the WTS. Not accepting the Bible's teaching on certain doctrines does not negate a God. Not accepting that the Bible is the Word of God also does not negate a God. I never intended to take away the existence of a Creator / First Cause etc. because I don't believe in what the Bible teaches about certain doctrines.

    Also, I'm not one to take away what other persons belief system is for them, whether they believe in a Ransom Teaching or that the Bible is inspired of God, as I was once in that belief system myself for 30 years in the Catholic faith and 30 years in the Watchtower Society. Each person must find out for themselves with help from persons like yourself as to what they continue to believe and experience in their own life.

    Continue doing what you do,dismantling the Watchtower's faulty reasonings as many follow up comments demonstrate the value they receive, including myself, from reading your 'Comments' and other helpful topics that you post.


  • watchtower_and_afake


    Im new here, but I want you to know that it was your work on these Watchtower studies, that a friend referred me to see that brought me here. Thank you for all the work you do in putting this together. I want to personally let you know your work is not in vain!! Thanks Again

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    "In the afternoon, they set out together on a sight-seeing trip to Blackpool, a nearby seaside resort. All 6 were among 12 people killed instantly in a motorway crash"

    Ugh! I've never been a JW, but I hate this type of emotional as 'don't have fun or god will smite you'. The church I grew up with was very similar in that regard and some others (Worldwide Church of God). I still remember this one occasion when a bunch of kids from the congregation, three of whom were brothers, maybe two or three others involved who were friends of theirs. They were bored one summer day and ended up going out and flying a kite. How much more innocent can it get, a bunch of kids flying a kite? Anyway, the kite drifted into some trees or something, and a couple of them went to go get a ladder long enough to reach it. There were some powerlines nearby, and somehow in the process of trying to get the kite down the ladder touched the powerlines and and all but one of them got shocked.

    Its been many years now, and I was a kid myself at the time, so I never really knew all the details...I do remember that at least two of them died, (two of the brothers, I think) and a couple others got some pretty severe burns and were hospitalized. The church leaders, instead of consoling the family, took the stance that the kids were rebellious and running wild, and that was the problem. I think it may have come out later that one of the kids was found with a pack of cigarettes in his pocket when the hospital returned his personal effects or something, and that was their reasoning. I still remember that the very next service; the sermon was about THEM specifically, not just rebellious kids, but telling what had happened and condemning the boys for it. The theme of the sermon was basically 'they had it coming'.

    I never forgot that, and it was one of the things I always thought of when I began having doubts about that church.

  • heathen

    I thank God everyday that I'm not in one of those type of cults . I did notice that kind of mentality with the j-dubs . Especially if you were smoking, why the deemonz would just come and take ya because God no longer cared or that God himself would smite you dead just like he did the rebelious Israelites in the desert with moses . I still believe in God I just don't like the way people use religion to control and manipulate through fear of an organization .

  • undercover

    This article pissed me off.

    I used to think like some of these people that died...that we have nothing to fear, we have the resurrection, that we'll live again. Then it uses these examples of people dying as emotional blackmail to all who subscribe to their beliefs. These people aren't sleeping, waiting to return...they're gone...forever. People during persecution invited death on a principle that was all bullshit.

    The WTS is bloodguilty because people died for refusing blood, for refusing to buy a political card, for any number of reasons. The people who did the actual killing during war or persecution are not being excused, what they did was terrible and wrong but the WTS shares blame for their deaths by leading people into a situation where they are in danger due to subscribing to whatever the WTS told them to do.

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