My wife hates beards so draw your own conclusions
Are you now BEARDED or BEARDLESS????
by zagor 70 Replies latest jw friends
Annie, you wrote:
BTW, I LIKE you're beard Gary! It's so Kenny Rogers.........who I've had a LARGE crush on for decades, that silver-haired and silver-voiced debbil that he is!
Thanks Annie. My beard came in mostly grey but it's now gone all white. The hair on the top of my head almost doesn't have any grey at all. Just white on the sides.
My mother was prematurely grey. Guess I had grey in my genes. -
i guess witness men in scandinavian and some european countries are allowed to grow beards. the societies restriction is mostly a north american one. i say this because when i was still in, i met the odd scandinavian bro or english bro (with privileges) that had full beards. i heard one CO say that the society goes by how news anchors dress and groom themselves. which is shit, but whatever. they should just get over it. but then again, it's better if they don't, for society that is.
I used to attend DC's in Columbus Ohio, and there were always congs from West Virginia in attendance. A lot of the bros from WV had beards, so even in the US it seems like there are certain regions where beards are more tolerated.
The folks from WV generally stood out like sore thumbs, they just had a certain look and way about them. Nobody talked to them. It was kind of weird.
Had a beard for about 5 years after bailing. I had to shave mine about 2 years ago, though. My job requires it because I have to be able to have a respiratior fit and seal. I do still have my mustache though.
I still don't need to shave every day so not really an issue for me. I have every other day at most sometimes only twice a week. But every once in a while I'll grow a goatee. I hate if I needed to shave every day I'd probably grow a short, trimmed beard.
When I've been on surf trips in the past and in the middle of nowhere....beard growing became a fun thing to try. My friend Adam on one particular trip grew a "neck beard" only. Shaved his face but grew a beard from his neck...nasty !
Others did the reverse goatee. Grow a beard everywhere except shave the goatee area. -
I grew a beard from the day I was df'd. Shaved it a couple of times -- one funny thing is that some people don't notice it (ask if you changed glasses or something) while others don't regognise you at all. Once in my beardless episodes a colleague in the library I was working in said to somebody "just ask the bearded guy upstairs" and of course the poor fellow never found me.
A common game in Bethel was coming back from vacations with a 2-week beard and waiting for the reactions until someone dared to mention it. Cheap fun but funny anyway.
hey thanx sunspot
that was taken a few years ago and as i said earlier it grows in multi-coloured white grey brown red..tis not pretty...not even as a goatee
would love a pure white goatee though
**would love a pure white goatee though**
That could be arranged with some tint, couldn't it???
-Aude. -
In the summer heat, I prefer no facial hair.
As the fall comes along, I like growing a goatee, and I usually keep it 3 or 4 weeks and then I cut it.
I do that 3 or 4 times during the winter.
Some say that I look better with a goatee...