Here is a bumper sticker I once made:
Apostafest T Shirt Slogans.
by Englishman 50 Replies latest jw friends
8 out of 10 apostates said they preferred 'Playboy'
How about something a little more subtle: "We all lived in a yellow subroutine."
This is great!!!
Maybe: "The bible speaks of the sign of the last days ... blah blah war, famine, etc. etc... But I do have good news - I just saved a bunch of money by switching my car insurance to Geicko!"
I am a JW apologetic
Ask me how to break out of the WTBTS Jail
All Non-JW's are going to be Destroyed
Freddie Franz Lives.... in Hell
Gilead Missionary of the Year.. I made it with all the Sistas
My Mother is a Cult Member
Member in Good Standing - WTBTS
You can Trust Me.. I'm a JW Elder
I Caught the Clap from a JW
New Light For Old JW's
How about:
Millions Then Living Are Now Dead
Jeff S.
How about:
"Millions now dying will never live"
or does it sound better as:
"Millions now dying have never lived"
I liked "My mother is a cult member"
or how about one for the lady apostatesses, to be printed over the chest area:
"Keep your eyeses off my prizes!"
"The G B and old farts both smell the same"