I tend to agree with Sadie. If there's something like a soul that can survive our death, I haven't seen any proofs of it yet. Houdini who was a famous magician once said that even the death would not be able to stop him. He told a secret code to his wife and he told her he would come back after his death to proove that he's still here by showing the secret code to his wife.
Hard Evidence of Life After Death, is there any?
by Blueblades 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
He told a secret code to his wife and he told her he would come back after his death to proove that he's still here by showing the secret code to his wife.
But he was assuming that once he died he would actually be able to contact his wife. Maybe he wasn't allowed to contact her or anyone else with a secret code.
I hope there is life after the death of the body. I hope so very much.
I tend to think of the part which survives death of the physical body like a radio wave. The radio wave which makes MY radio work is the same radio wave which makes yours work. However, there are physical differences in the radios themselves, including what frequency the set is tuned to, and therefore, some differences in the reproduction of the data on the wave. Some sets are very complex, and others are just simple crystal sets (think of a virus or perhaps a bacteria). However, the set can break down, or be destroyed completely without the radio wave being affected. In other words, I see life as not simply an internal process, but a force (or a 'law of nature' like gravity) which acts upon matter from outside, causing matter to organize itself into more complex forms. And it is the same life force animating everyone, including so-called 'lower' life forms, on this planet, and on every other place in the Universe where conditions are favorable.
I've just woken up. I am still brain dead.
Give me a couple cups of tea, and I will be alive.
Proof - Life after death.
I tend to think of the part which survives death of the physical body like a radio wave.
That's an interesting analogy. Any evidence for it?
People that claim to see ghosts or dead people often notice that they seem to be light in colour or glowing, i know this is popular in movies too, but bear with me here, if an alternate dimension to our own were to exist could there be a transference between what we know as life and the ether of the unknown. This is hard to measure with traditional scientific measurements, sure but if we could assume that we are beings of energy(that is fact), and in relation to energy Einstien made the deduction that energy does not dissapate but rather has to make itself evident by an effect to the cause i.e the energy from an engine in a car, will upon impact with another object will transfer to other parts of the vehicle or object and be manifest in lets say, twisted metal, or sound waves. Now if a human suddenly extinguishes(dies) does the energy that he once was, vannish? Maybe, or maybe not. By looking beyond the spectrum of what is visable light we are able to see infa-red, we know that light has a very high frequency. (Light being identifed, also by Einstien, as particles, known as photons), if enormously high frequencies of light, that is to say rather than seeing in a lower frequency such as infra-red, we go up beyond white light there is a possibilty that this frequency could in effect pass through solid objects. This sounds what some people claim to see. Now holes can be picked in this, sure, we are all here because we picked holes once. You asked for solid proof of life after death, there will maybe never be any, but, there could be a possibilty that death is just a transference of energy. The important thing is to always keep your mind open.
we are beings of energy(that is fact)
No, we are beings of matter.
Now if a human suddenly extinguishes(dies) does the energy that he once was, vannish?
No, the entirety of the matter that made the human still exists, in a completely tangible and mundane form (i.e. a corpse), the same as a car that has crashed still exists, even though it is no longer a car.
The important thing is to always keep your mind open.
Not for pseudoscience with no supporting evidence. The problem here is that you're assuming there's something more to humans than there appears to be, that there's some life force which must be a form of energy. From that assumption, you have applied a rather poor understanding of physics to the problem, and come up with something that sounds (to you) like supernatural claims that have been made before. But you're really just making the same empty claims that have always been made. You have no evidence, no smoking gun, no plausible theory.
Sorry. Only soft, fluffy, or nougat-like (nut-filled).
Hard Evidence of Life After Death, is there any?
No, none. Believers will do all sorts of fancy moves to get away from this absolute fact, but it's like a monkey dancing on a street corner as a distraction whilst someone removes your wallet.
I mean, come on... there was never any evidence BEFORE the last decade. In the past decade the number of video cameras has increased exponentially. Have we as a result suddenly got evidence of ghosts? Nope. Same for UFO's and the Loch Ness monster.
They are nice stories but the lack of evidence is a pretty high fence to get over unless you're determined to ignore the lack of evdience so you can retain some kind of wishful belief in things.
A few years ago my partner had an accident that nearly killed him, infact, it did kill him, he died 3 times in the ambulance but they managed to bring him back each time.
He has no memories of it, saw no lights or angels or anything.
I'd like to believe in life after death but his experience is enough to prove to me that there is no such thing.