Why is it so difficult to believe that some part of us exisits in those other dimensions?
i have no problems hypothesizing, it's the spice of life. it's "belief" i have a hard time with until there is sufficient evidence for it. jeepers. why do super string theorists hpothesize that there is 11 dimesional hyper space, and all of a sudden it is required to "believe" that there is life after death?
is anything salvagable and in good working order, like the battery and computer system?
yes, i see your point. but the fact of the matter is, that even if something in the human body is salvageable after death, this does not mean that there might be life after death.
So in one breath you acknowledge, along with the rest of science, that there's a dearth of information on the subject, and on the other you take a stance that all other hypothesis must be wrong because they don't fit into your worldview?
perhaps it has not occured to you that the dearth is present not because there is still "so much to be found", but because there most likely is nothing to find?
like i said, i have no problems with hypothesis. it's when people try to take their personal hypothesis (that was not even set up scientifically in the first place) and pass it off as theory. that i have a problem with. like i have said before: if sufficient evidence comes along, LT, i will happily switch sides in the debate. it's the same difference as a debate about the existence of god. i won't be backing down until those paranormal hypothesis' are accepted as theory, or fact in the scientific community. thank you!
do you find yourself having to keep reinforcing that worldview? I certainly know of few people who have to reinforce the idea of life after death, regardless of beliefs or lack thereof.
there is nothing to re-inforce! i have a lack of belief! i debate these things with people here because i don't want lurkers from the org coming here and thinking that these positive assertions for the paranormal/supernatural go unchalleneged in non-dub-land!
And the difficulty with this would be?
i was responding to your unfinished sentence from a previous thread, where you said it could be a "release" from the physical. and i am saying that would require an interaction with the supernatural that i am highly skeptical actually exists.
Circular reasoning at best!
according to the strawman you happily set up, YES, IT IS CIRCULAR!
Give me better information, and I'll gladly exchange, but give me nothing in return and you make me an economic fool, sirrah!
and round and round we go LT! i am awaiting better freaking info from paranormalists! i have NO obligation to prove the negative to you! why is this so difficult to grasp? you paint me as this narrowminded stoodge, that has no wonder or awe at nature. when that is precisely the opposite. i just do not go with the first explaination for phenomena that pops into my head, like so many have and do. i am filled with awe, but i categorically challenge any who believe in the super-natural to give me some freaking proof! why do i have to have awe AND credulity? why can't i have awe and skepticism?
BTW, you point about NDE's occuring while there is no brain activity is a moot point. if it was a NDE, then that means that the person lived to tell about it, which means that neurological activity started at some point, which is very easily (according to parsimony!) when the NDE occured.