Yeah, the 'laughed at' argument also ignores that if someone had LISTENED to Gallileo and done some experiments and observations to check his work they would have agreed, as the evidence was always there its just we weren't looking at it right.
One can listen to belivers in spooks/UFO's/Sasquatch/Nessie, but if you do the experiments and observations to 'check their work', you do not have ANYTHING.
Satanus: that's a snake, not a snake-skin wallet; you just WANT it to be a wallet so ignore the obvious snaklitude of it.
Little Toe; I love you, but I do feel like saying "Autosuggestion". There, I did it.
I mean, I'm sure Tom Cruise believes he has personal validation of his Bullshitologist beliefs.
Yeah? And? So? What?
But maybe I just suffer from paranormal experience envy...