Oh hun we are here for you. I know exaclty how you feel not about the JW thing but just when your partner isnt on the same page as you, it really hurts at times. es
Maybe those married to JW's will understand my feelings today
by Why Georgia 23 Replies latest jw friends
Why Georgia
Hi M.J.
I know I should be so happy about how far he has come. I think I'm just feeling down because he doesn't feel the organization is imperfect...just imperfect people in the org who are messing things up!
I want to pull out my hair and scream....
One step forward 2 steps back - that's what its always been.
I know I need to be more positive and just be happy now we/he aren't going to 3 horrid meetings a week!
Why Georgia
Thank you CYP -
My friend that we had dinner with this week was actually once a member of the World Wide Church of God and she talked about that a little bit but I don't think it was enough to settle into his head for him to see the similarities.
He still doesn't consider the WTS a cult...the moonies are a cult to him. But not this Jehovah fearing people who are just trying to do their best...blah blah blah.
Why Georgia
I still can't get him to read C of C...he looked at it when I first started trying to get him to see the Troof about the Troof...and he completely shut down to it.
I wouldn't be surprised if he equates it in the same league as the Satanic Bible by Anton LeVay....
He feels Mr. Franz is angry but I never got that feeling at all from the book.
Why Georgia
Thanks Listener!
I hope your wife will one day leave the Troof. It's very sad how this stupid religion puts divisions between people who love eachother.
I have read Steve Hassan's book and also CofC and In Search of Christian Freedom...unfortunately my husband is completely closed down to them.
He will look at websites here and there and then that will set him off disputing things...unless of course he can't then he just walks off and stews.
Why Georgia
Thank you Netty,
I am not going to give up. We have a 10 month old and a 5 year old. He is a fabulous father and despite everything my best friend. And I love him.
I will keep planting the seeds and hope more little doubts sprout.
Why Georgia
Thank you Tetrapod.
I am sorry you are in the same boat as the rest of us married to someone in the Troof.
As I have said over and over its ridiculous that a cult...oops, religion....ha ha that is supposedly receiving Jehovahs blessing and guidance causes so many problems in the family and between 2 people who love eachother.
If it truly was from God...wouldn't people be happy?
Why Georgia
If he went back I would leave him. I know it - I could not live with those peoples influence in my life ever again. The poison that is prevalent in those KH's is so toxic to a healthy family relationship.
I don't want to be told to beat my child, when I can buy a turkey and study the same books over and over and try to find something interesting in them when in fact they are as bland as the unleavened bread they pass around at the memorials.
I would never be a good dubette. I wasn't created to follow the lemming in front of me over the cliff.
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Why Georgia
Thank you Hubert,
I will get that book. Any additional proof is always good. I never know what will be the thing to free his mind from his JW upbringing.
Why Georgia
Thank you Es.
It's hard because we were truly best friends and we are still best friends but it feels as though there is this thing between us and I hate that.