Maybe those married to JW's will understand my feelings today

by Why Georgia 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls
    If it truly was from God...wouldn't people be happy?


  • tetrapod.sapien
    causes so many problems in the family and between 2 people who love eachother.


    ya that's it. corporations should never get in the way of two friends. my wife works for a big oil company. does that mean that she would argue with me about fossil fuels just because they told her that there were no other alternatives? no. but thats exactly what the borg is doing to our marriage. we argue and fight all the time now about stuff that shouldn't even be an issue thanks to those bastards. i feel like a jerk going camping by myself on the weekends because she wants to go in service and make her meeting. so i rarely go. the weird thing that makes me mad, is that she loves camping! but there is hardly anything that we see eye to eye on anymore.

    so, just keep plugging along georgia, and so will i.



  • M.J.

    Remember, there's a difference between the worldwide church of God and its offshoots that still follow Herbert W. Armstrong's teachings. The Worldwide Church of God is "reformed" to an extent and has gone orthodox in its doctrines. Although there are still many accusations of it being cultic. The offshoots are extremely cultic, just as the WCG used to be.

    Honestly, there are churches that are not cult-like and they ascribe to the very doctrines that your husband cherishes. They are the ones I mentioned. Your husband may find their openness refreshing. Remember the WTS pushes 2 main types of doctrines. Moral/ones that describe God, and ORGANIZATIONAL. Organizational doctrines are the very easiest to debunk. Showing him that other groups can promote one type without the other can be a real eye opener. Jay Hess's site is also really good at revealing the conflicts between these two types of doctrines:

    Also, have him listen to some of these audio testimonies: (especially the Watters 1980 one): Listen to them and find ones that may strike a chord with him...I wish you the best..

  • Check_Your_Premises
    moonies are a cult to him

    That is your in. Show him how the moonies use fear to manipulate their members, and keep them captive.

    Then ask him if he sees similarities between them and the jw methods. Let him connect the dots.

    You have Releasing the Bonds by Steven Hassan right? He spells this stuff out in there.

    I would give anything to have my wife only go to 4 of the meetings!!! Take comfort in the small victories. The battle will take care of itself.

    My wife ditched last night. That made my week!

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