G'day Miss Peaches,
So all the downunder mob are in posting timezone, eh?
Anyway, some comments on topic:
Firstly, to address this premise:
As a christian the belief is that you are going to heaven right? So what is the relevance about the will taking place on earth?
Is that really true? Christians believe that God, the creator of time and space, is not someone to go to, as in a fixed location. The dubs used to believe that god inhabited Pleiedes and haven't IMO progressed too far since then. Christians believe that their destiny ("hope") is to be with God. The apostle Paul spoke of his desire, his yearning to be with the Father. So where is that? Simply put, we don't know, how could we mortals who are limited to our own finite existence. What we do have assurance of is that Jesus promised to prepare a place for us, wherever that might be. We have confidence or faith in that.
Secondly, the dubs speak of two existencies in the resurrection, the heavenly and the earthly, yet Revelation speaks of New Jerusalem coming down from heaven to earth. Peter speaks of a new heavens and a new earth. It does seem that in future times, there will be a uniting of heaven and earth. But if we read Peter's words literally then there will be a new earth to inhabit.
Thirdly, christians are awaiting the Second Coming of Christ. Yes, they pray earnestly for God's Will on earth in that respect but also in the meantimes for God's Will to be done.
So be assured that the dubs don't have a mortgage on the Lord's Prayer - quite the opposite.
Cheers, Ozzie