I would have died for the truth about two and half years ago - I lurked, hesitated , finally posted - I am stil la JW in that I attend meetings etc - I just no longer believe it - I love this board and the people on it
Mind Numbing stupidity are some current JW's that are on this board.
by skyman 46 Replies latest jw friends
I guess those of us who don't get JWs sending us private messages telling us we are mislead are already considered dead by them, huh?
Personally, I prefer cute apostobabes sending me messages instead of JW apologists. Unfortunately they send me messages at the same rate as the apologists.
spiritual rambo
Anghared and AK-Jeff said it for me.......
Why not ? we were all at the stage where we would defend the truth once, before we found out the real "truth"
Leaving is a process - not a moment.
A little over 9 years ago I would have died for the "truth" too! That is until I got my first computer in May, 1996 a month after my wife died. WOW.......did I get an eyeopener by typing Jehovah's Witnesses or Watchtower in keyword.
It still took a number of years for the "process" to take place. Everything I learned reinforced the many doubts and anger of my and my daughter's experiences at the hand of fellow elders and other dubs in the cong.
I was never brave enough to get on a forum back then but I relayed many of the things I learned to my daughter and she did some correspondig with Randy Waters. I guess you could say that we were feeding each other. Now we are out and free. That is why I consider myself HappyDad.
Best way to handle a "nasty", "spiteful" JW apologist is to NOT REPLY TO THEM. Like someone said, when it gets down to facts, the apologist does not respond back. So let them be. Just look at how AFIN seems to have "warmed up" to us after being kind of nasty at first.
The PROCESS will usually win out in time. I'm glad it did for me.
When I happened upon this site, the words "everyone welcome" in the logo gave me the courage to enter. I knew that what I was doing (surfing the web about JWs) was not "good" according to society standards, but I knew I hadn't been living up to those standards for quite a while anyway.
What I appreciated about the site, once I read a little, was that there truly was a range of opinions and a range of acceptability. It's funny, while the posters generally make fun of the society and the language they use - you even have a language here that from the outside is strange, ie. apologist, dubs, nbsp(?). I've been able to use "context clues" to figure most of it out - but I think someone should put together a key guide for us newbies.
When I got here, I knew that I was having issues with the truth - that is with the organizational requirements. Since I've been around, I've concluded that instead of just being mistaken about some things, perhaps the society has actually been misleading the flock (with intent). That leap doesn't come easily - or quickly!
Being thought of as an apostate is the worst accusation that can be alleged against a witness. I just read someone's post where they stated that an apostate is someone who sins against God - not the society. That's powerful - and I appreciate the insight. While I don't have a desire to picket a kingdom hall or assembly, I also no longer want to be thought of as a JW, and I don't want anyone to think that my actions reflect those of one. While I no longer respect the organizations regulations, I do respect the principles of good and bad that they promote and I am grateful for those guidelines with helping to create the woman I am.
IMHO, there is not much difference in the supertheocratic overzealous witness and the "whatever the appropriate venacular to describe overzealous exwitness is" when they start yelling. Both are equally disturbing.
I personally think some real jw's come here to chat or leave messages in order to use that as field service time.A few return visits and a few comments and well,ok,about 2 hours this month.Whew,at least I'm still active and I didn't have to knock on any doors this month.Those of you who do this know who you are,do your elders know what you are up to?
Why not ? we were all at the stage where we would defend the truth once, before we found out the real "truth" - alot of us with the help of lurking on various web sites.
Just because someone is an apologist does not make them a troll as some people like to label them in other topics. Everyone no matter what stage they are at is welcome here
So true.
A journey of a thousand mile begins with one step.
Such pm's are clearly persecution against you, so that proves you are now in the truth since leaving JWs.
Crumpet, I loved your analagy of having the last word & running away with finger in ears, so apt.
Richie, I understand what you are saying
Thank you. As long as someone does.
"You are being misled by Satan my brother, please donot reply to this it will be a waste of your time for i will not read it and this is the last time we talk because you have turned APOSTATE> You belong with this bunch."
How typical - JW's always have to have the last word and then do the equivalent of running away with their fingers in their ears yelling LALALALALALALA in case they happen to hear something logical or reasonable that will disturb their equilibrium!
It reminded me of situations that would come up between my daughter and some of the friends she had in elementary school. One domineering little girl would decide not to like another girl--and would compel those in their mutual circle of friends not to associate with her. It reminded me of a "take my ball and go home" tantrum
hahaha, crumpet, that "LALALALALALA" comment was hilaaaarious, but it was such a true analogy... the way of thinking you develop in the WTS is like that of an unreasonable child... and it affects you even after you leave... Having been
born in the truthassimilated at birth, my instant natural reaction to anyone saying anything negative about the WTS, was to defend it and try to preach to the person even at a stage i didn't believe in 90% of it. i had to struggle to break down feelings of guilt when first visiting this forum about two years ago... i posted on JWD for the first time in June of last year, (it was some mind-numbing dribble about the sabbath, because i had recently got involved with 'Yahweh's Restoration Ministry' [a slightly less malignant version of JWs but still concerned with rules, rules and more Old Testament rules] )... now, i feel interested in the WTS only from a "what will they say next?", "how will they deal with this issue?" point-of-view... Since i've been severed from the Collective, i've worked for a long time to fight my typical JW knee-jerk reactions when somebody critisises my opinions. I have to force myself to STOP, BREATHE, and NOT SAY anything in defence, just LISTEN, THINK and try to UNDERSTAND what they are saying and why they are saying it... At the moment i feel no need to look into any organised religion or even the Bible... i find a lot of my peace through some of the non-religious aspects of Zen Buddhism; but even in that system, there are a loads of things i don't fully agree with... i feel that if something is "The Truth" it will be both compassionate and caring and be able to stand up to ANY criticism by using logic, reasoning and cold hard facts... and that is all...