Mind Numbing stupidity are some current JW's that are on this board.

by skyman 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confession


    I'd love to read your blood letter. Can you post it please?

  • minimus

    Richie, I understand what you are saying nd I agree. Of course, we are trying to help lurkers know the real truth. Such JWs come here for a reason. Some, a very few, come to argue and create dissension. Regarding those that only glowingly speak well of the JWs----I am not interested. If they can't honestly speak the truth, why go there with them?

  • skyman


    I was posting while you posted. I never use to question anything out loud. You put into words the way most of us feel about love and how love should help others. My brothers two Sons one was DF'd last week and the other will be tonight. One called and the other came to see me. Teliing me this would be the last time for awhile for me to talk to them. Both I told it makes no difference to me. But they are so brain washed they can't see that what they need is true love not the Hell they are going through and will go through.

  • skyman

    I will in just a moment.

  • ozziepost
    one of us

    Who's that exactly?

  • skyman


    I just posted it use the information anyway you like. I was faced with letting my baby die she needed a blood transfusion and I choose to be faithful and let her die. The hospital took legal action to say the least she is alive and happy. I can not imagine life now with out her. And the damn Borg almost took her from me. So years later when ask to do some research for a brother I found out about the Bulgaria scandal. So I did my studying and this is what I found.

  • ozziepost

    Thx for sharing, Skyman. Powerful stuff!

  • upside/down

    I used to be a kinda sorta "apologist" when I started here...

    I got BLASTED... I'm grateful I hung in there...

    Don't do to Dub lurkers, what the Dubs do to everyone... show some real "love"...

    That's what really WORKS!!!

    u/d (of the JWD helped "save" me despite the people here class)

  • love2Bworldly

    Well look at it this way--some of these today lurking JWs are some of tomorrow's Apostates!

  • DannyHaszard

    This is up at the google news wire for the whole world to see. Dumb dubs are our best advocates.I understand why the WT headquarters doesn't want their followers free-lancing on the internet ------------------------------------------------

    Home: Society: Jehovah's Witnesses Slandered Unjustly Yet Again

    Jehovah's Witnesses Slandered Unjustly Yet Again

    Added : ( May 2005 )

    ?I would like to respond to your biblically uneducated Tim Gibbon

    On his article about Jehovah's witnesses and Blood Transfusions { http://www.pressbox.co.uk/detailed/30350.html }

    He indicates that they are solely along in their percepts of giving devotion to God in the way that
    they see as his commands.

    But Mr. Gibbon neglects to note

    1) Adam and Eve and the harm that they did to Their Children when disobeying God. Maybe they
    should have joined a different following than they did.

    2) What about Abraham
    I am sure by Mr. Gibbon's account Abrahams son should have taken him to Court to expose him
    for the religious practices that he was involved in as is no doubt nearly lead to the premature
    death of His Son.

    3) King David was solely responsible for the death of his first born son of Bathsheba.

    4) Shadrach Meshach and Abendigo and Daniel
    These three fools what blind people to not eat the foods of the King.
    Or not to bow down to the image and get thrown into the fiery furnace.
    What kind of horrible God or Organization were they serving to let them-self as children get into
    this situation. And what kind of parents do you think that they had that would teach them to
    resist the King even to their deaths.

    Mr. Gibbon Would you maybe think for a moment that Jehovah's witnesses influenced the
    thinking of those people of old?

    I would think Mr. Gibbon rather than attacking the Jehovah's witnesses of our day that you would
    be trying to get rid of the bible as in the 16th century or maybe even try to rid the earth of the
    God that those ones acted for.

    Please Mr. Gibbon Get a grip and investigate what you are talking about we love our children and
    as Abraham did we would and have been willing to have a substitute for death.

    The Doctors for years now have been working closely with the patients that are Jehovah's
    witnesses and have been successfully doing bloodless work to keep us alive as that is why we seek
    out their help in the first place.
    If we were as implied not caring about our families we would not expose our self to the medical
    profession in the first place we would just go away from humanity and die.

    Mr. Gibbon, Slander is still a punishable offence in the laws of the land so please try to keep your
    self clear of such trouble and get your facts straight before you implicate Jehovah's witnesses in
    wrongly trying to hurt anyone.

    Jehovah's Witnesses Slandered Unjustly Yet Again Submitted by: Tim Gibbon

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