Give me the short JW version of: The end of the world 101

by Check_Your_Premises 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kls

    Daisey ,checkout

  • Daisy21

    yes i do..and who says i will agree with everything they teach me..i beleive in jehovah god 100% bottom line if wittneses suddenly stopped beleiving in him and in something else i would stand alone!

  • Check_Your_Premises


    Good. Do you admit that there are some in the other churches who are very devoted servants of God who are worthy of salvation? Do you admit that there are some jw who are not worthy of salvation?

    Wouldn't that mean that "true Christians" are not identified by their membership to some visible human organization, rather they are to be identified by God (not men), on judgement day?

    And I would argue against your idea that jw's are so much more devout than members of other churches. The ones you have seen at other churches, that walk out and sin for everyone to see can not be compared to the jws. You see, if a jw did that, they would be disfellowshipped. That is not to say they do not do it. They just don't do it out in the open for YOU to see. Trust me, there are many jw's in very high places who live double lives. Don't kid yourself.

    Again, what does it say about your faith if you need some church to force you act the right way?

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Glad you are here Daisy, welcome.

    You do realize by now though, that this site is primarily occuopied by those who have rejected the jw religion. Most are pretty nice folks, but some are quite bitter.

    The nice thing though, is all ideas are open for discussion. Nobody uses threats or phoney claims of God's authority to tell you what you can and can't say.

    All ideas have to stand on their own merits.

    Remember truth always welcomes examination. Only falsehood fears open discussions.

    Keep in mind, if you are baptized, you are no longer allowed to frequent this site.

  • Check_Your_Premises
    and who says i will agree with everything they teach me..

    You better if you want to be a jw. They demand it. Kind of creepy ain't it. Most folks read the Bible and say, "this is what I think it all means, but hey I am just some guy. What do you think?" The leaders of the jw read the Bible and say, "this is what we think it all means, and we are chosen by God, so you better believe it!!!"

    Ask yourself, what kind of person DECIDES on their own that they are God's chosen servant? I don't know about you, but I would be so afraid of being mistaken about that, and therefore blasphemous, that I would never dream of doing that unless "the stonse cried out". JW's swear up and down that they are God's chosen servant, and they demand that their followers never consider any evidence to the contrary.

    i beleive in jehovah god 100% bottom line if wittneses suddenly stopped beleiving in him and in something else i would stand alone!

    That is the best attitude. Your loyalty should always be to God, and you should always question very carefully ANYBODY who claims to be his "chosen" servant. That is quite a claim. That is why when God actually sent a special servant in the Bible, he always did something so there was no doubt. Moses parted the Red Sea, Jesus walked on water, and raised the dead.

    Ask yourself, has the jw done anything as amazing as that!? Have they done anything that shows they are NOT God's servant?

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