Them thinking that pioneering is equal to my full time job!

by LongHairGal 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • talesin


    I'm sorry for taking your comments the wrong way.

    We have regional differences here as well. The folks down east where I live are often ridiculed by the "Upper Canadians" because we are more 'country folk' and like southerners, actually. And vice versa, people from here will say folks in Ontario are snobbish. It's all generalizations, and quite wrong, huh?

    hehe, delilah, I guess a few buttons did get pushed!!

    Once again, apologies to Panda. Glad you are back. Edit, , Oh yeah, back to the topic. When I pioneered, I made 50 bux a week, lived in a 2 BR apt. with 3 others. Often, I would pick up some work deep-cleaning houses to make ends meet. One time, I was so tired I fell asleep in the shower, and injured my tailbone on the fawcett. I think it's the same as the regional differences thing ... some people are lazy users, and some are hard workers. People are people, and JWs are no different.


  • Dragonlady76

    I can't see how they would even try to compare working a 160+ hours a month to putting in 60-100 hours of field service. At work your responsible for goals, attendance,being on time etc..... and you have have to answer to someone else.

    As a pioneer you can pretty much choose your schedule and you don't have to answer to anyone, all you have to do is produce some hours.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Though hard to believe by many cynics, there were a few of us who pioneered out of a sincere interest in others. Sure there was the inherent guilt of the devoted that moved some forward, but all in all it was for me a genuine interest to be of help to others that made me shop second hand and "stay single for the Kingdom's sake". When that is the motive pioneering should be a full time job, different than a secular job but no less tiring mentally. (Unless of course your job is stacking ammo.) Sincerely, the self righteous, self sparing and self promoting "Pioneers" will diss you every time. Remember, the more worldly you are, the more spiritual they are. Those doing it according to the dictates of thier hearts will only ask you to join them for the day, whether baptised or not.

    I was glad to get off the treadmill once I realized I was helping create more George Romero movie extras. I stood back and saw the pioneer hour requirement shrinking like the sincerity of those who pretended to meet them. I decided that Jehovah was more interested in where your heart is than where your body was. Work full time and drop the guilt. Use your head and let go of bitterness. Be here now.

    If you believe in Jehovah, remember He could care less about thier opinions. If you dont, why be bitter with those self promoting fanatics anyway?

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    A full time secular job is generally 40 hours a week.

    A full time pioneering gig is only about 17 hours per week.

    Sad by Jehovah's standards.

  • cultBgone

    The talks and comments about how dubs working full-time were somehow less spiritual and needed to examine their circumstances to find more time to pioneer used to make me cringe. I worked full time supporting my family while pioneering yet was chastised by the trust-fund crowd for working so much. Easy to say when you've never had the sole responsibility to provide for your family, when you've always had money or when your hubby brings it all home to you.

    It's not about's their attitude. Smug, self-righteous, and the last ones to lend you a hand should you need it.

    Nice to no longer hear those conversations on a regular basis!!!


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