Were they all dates from hell? Any "immorality"? Did you ever "date" knowing the person was never "marriage material"?
What Were Your Experiences In Dating JWs?
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
The dates themselves were pretty good....it was the morning after guilt that was hard to deal with
Any "immorality"?
Hell YEah!
They were ALL dirty gurls during the dating. I think they use it to try and snag ya.
fleaman uk
Were they all dates from hell? Any "immorality"? Did you ever "date" knowing the person was never "marriage material
Hi Min.
No dates from hell far as i can remember......
Yep to the immorality ..but only Breast touching ..dont remember going south too often..ok thats a lie...some mutual masturbation etc..all the while i was pioneering i had a Thursday Morning Pioneer Partner,and every week we loved to work rural territory!!!!!!!!.Of course guilt played a small part...at the time i was 100 % in and genuinely believed it all,but assumed God would forgive me as i was a good Christian...yep,i really did think there was nothing wrong with it.Strange really.
In my early 20,s i was a bit of a Lad dating wise..but again,my spiritual nature outweighed my reputation as a naughty Boy.Then i got my fingers burnt HUGE..i started going out with a Girl..lets call her Laura (cos that was her name)i really wanted to be with Her..then learnt she was using me to make the real object of her affections jealous..ouch Baby,very ouch.
What goes around comes around eh....
Her..then learnt she was using me to make the real object of her affections jealous..ouch Baby,very ouch.
What goes around comes around eh....
Well did she end up with this other person or not?
I cannot help but think that dating among JW's is just like those tiny backwoods communities where everybody ends up marrying their cousin and producing a race of toadstools.
In Fort Worth we only had our smallish city and nearby Dallas. The pickins was slim to say the least.
Everybody was tense with glandular imperatives; but, trying to be on our best behavior.
The intensity of a kiss or grope was magnified a thousand times.
I'm convinced that only bad marriages, disillusionment and personal ruin comes out of such pressures.
Why doesn't the Watchtower Slave see the need for organized social events, chaperones, parties, group dates and open and supervised programs for young people to meet and communicate with each other? There has to be a social outlet and a way to evaluate the opposite sex in a neutral way.
There has to be honest instruction about what is really going on in your body and why you have such intense physical compulsions.
Instead, it is all made dirty, Satanic and guilt-prone which creates mental illness and very low self-esteem.
But then, let us be honest, that is what the "Faithful" slave feeds off like a bottom dweller munching pond scum.
The Watchtower derives its power from making the publishers feel like bat droppings and then converts the guilt into penance in the form of field service to work off the debt.
It stinks!
given your experiences fleaman you must have enjoyed being a pioneer! Did you count the time frollicking in the rural territory on your service report?
fleaman uk
Hi Mecurious...
No they didnt get together properly..she moved away and left the "Truth"He is still a Mate of mine.Ms but still a good friend...the bugger still dont know how much i liked that Gal,cos i only tell him when we are drunk!lol
fleaman uk
I counted every minute....i genuinely had hardly any conscience at all on stuff like that..i got the odd twinge though...we Worked together every Thursday till she decided to get a proper Boyfriend.
..Then i worked with me Ma was nowher near as much fun i can tell you.....
Ironically i only lasted a few more Months in Pioneer service after that......