Well I hope I didn't give this thread the kiss of death.
What Were Your Experiences In Dating JWs?
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, Loosie.
I got into quite a bit of guilt ridden heavy petting. When I was pioneering I got pretty carried away with another pioneer on and off for a few years. One day i was Witnessing at a secluded house and we were fondling becuase no one was home when the owner drove up the drive. Totally embarrasing. Anyway i confessed a few years later, when i was in bethel. The elders felt i was repentant and said that since the girl was still pioneering Jehovah was blessing her too, and so she must have been repentant.
Half the wedding dress is black the other half is white????
lol, loosie !
It sounds like we were a lot alike back then. You reminded me of something ...
This was not someone I dated, but a young guy in my congo. We liked each other for a while, and I hung out with his mom (pioneering together, etc.). I kinda thought of him as my boyfriend, though we had never `done` anything, just hung out at his place, talking and stuff. Ah, he was so good-looking, a young Bahamian god.
One night, we were at this wedding. He walked me out to my car. I was just-turned 16, and had never been kissed.
We were saying good nite, when he leaned in, and I thought `this is it, he`s going to kiss me!` ... all excited, nervous ...
He brought his lips to mine, and stuck his tongue in my mouth! I jerked back and said `eew, what are you doing?` He said `what do you mean?` I told him I had never kissed anyone before, and wasn`t expecting that.
He refused to believe me, and said there was no way I didn`t know how to French kiss. I was so innocent, so hurt, you wouldn`t believe it. Told him `well, if you don`t believe me, then I don`t wanna be your friend anymore`..
hehe, the next day, I called up a friend of mine, and asked him if he would teach me how to kiss. He was more than happy to oblige ... so we went parking and practiced for an hour or so,,, technique ... lol,,, nothing else, just the ole lip-lock. He was the guy who later told me that I was the marrying kind ... hahaha.
Hey, my old friend, BLOCK !!!! If you are reading this, hi, how are ya !!
I was the model JW growing up. Plus my parents had a tight leash on me, so I could but so much. I never dated. I couldn't even get a phone number, or call girls on the phone. If any girl (JW or Non-JW) showed any interest in me, my folks would break up the Young People Ask books, and articles. They firmly believed that dating was only in preperation for marriage, and did not believe that I was prepared for dating. They felt that I should not even think about marriage until I was at least 25 years old. On top of that sneaking didn't help, because the Gestapo (my parents) would frequently raid my room and my personal belongings looking for any evidence that I was interested in a woman, or thought of women, or even had a hard on.
They did loosen their grip after I graduated high school and started regular pioneering. By that time I was 18, or 19 and had never even kissed a girl. Plus I lacked (and still lack in many ways) the social skills to interact with the opposite sex. I did fall for a Mexican sister in a congregation from a neighboring town, that had a child. I approached dating in the JW fashion for a few months, but she dropped the bombshell on me that she was seeing someone else (a worldly dude), and she summarily got married. That was the beginning of the end for me.
It wasn't until I stopped being a JW that I kissed a woman for the first time, held someones hand, and even lost my virginity. Today I still feel awkward around the opposite sex. While I try to be as mature as possible, I think I have the social grace an adolescent middle school kid at a dance.
But I'm getting better.
So you're from Greensboro, huh? Interesting. I'm in Raleigh myself... And you were in ASL too? Know the Hayes family? Anyway, hope things are good with you...
i met a sis on the last day of a convention and we swapped addresses and then wrote each other and swapped photos and stuff..and we hung out a bit at the next years convention...i had my wedding list made out...and she married someone else while she was still writing to me
How old were you, tij?
I never dated as a JW...kinda like DocHayes in so many ways...on a short leash, no dating until ready to pursue marriage...all contact with the opposite sex was "incidental" rather than planned...
Assemblies...I remember being approached by quite a few "brothers" who wanted to get to know me better but I always told them I was "keeping my eye simple" (LOL). Then turned around at the age of 22 and married the first guy I kissed...a rebel df'ed/reinstated Dub in black leather and black sunglasses. MIStake...
I could see how someone could be writing to a beau and suddenly get married in Watchtower Land. There's a very short list of opportunities for a possible marriage mate. Many kids were 16 and getting approval by their parents to marry!! Better not to sin.
Well we had engaged in a lot of heavy petting and oral sex prior to marriage, so hence the title "half virgin".
I had engaged in intercourse at a young age, prior to meeting her, so she always refered to me as "soiled."
Imagine our embrassment when during our wedding talk, the speaker said that we were both as pure as the white dress she wore.
I couldn't look my parents in the eye the entire night.