I'm unable to get online as much as I used to, but I try and get on sometimes during the day.
Last week I posted regarding a situation with my mom. This time I'm having issues with my brother.
I've posted about him before. He's the one going through a difficult situation, my mom kicked him out of the house, and for unknown reasons he quit his job, spiraled into a deep depression, and has borrowed money and my car from me(haven't and probably won't see the money).
We both live with my dad for now, but I'm moving next weekend. My problem is that he keeps saying derogatory things to me. He knows how I feel about the Witnesses and he's fine with my choice, even though he doesn't agree. He feels they have the truth, but he can't live up to their standards (he has an alcohol problem, among other things). I've never disrespected him for feeling like he has to go back to the meetings, I've never said, "That's stupid, why would you want to go back to a cult?" Even though I could and probably should. But even though I've gone out of my way to be respectful and helpful, he says rude things such as, "You can't fault a man for wanting to marry a virgin, there's nothing wrong with wanting to marry someone clean and not someone who's been around the block." And, "I saw (someone we know) today, and he's trying to get back to the meetings. His mom is crying about it and everything. I can't blame her, she doesn't want her son to die at Armageddon."
It just infuriates me that he can make these "digs" at me. I've done so much for him lately, and this is how he treats me. When no one else in the family helped him or talked to him, I gave him money, and this is how I get treated in return? How would you handle someone like that?
Incidentally, I'm leaning toward deciding to cut him off completely once I move. I don't want anyone like that in my life. I can tell, even though he doesn't go to meetings, he's still in the narrow minded JW mold, and those are the worst kinds of Witnesses. The ones who have their own personal demons to battle, but they are suddenly the expert on how you should be living your life. Still, I'm interested in everyone's viewpoint on this.