All your answers make me realise what a mess the country's in, more than my personal experiences!
The education system, and the welfare system lets the young people down by probably giving them too much in the case of welfare and not enough in the case of education.
Being a mother is no longer a 'job' unless someone else is doing it.
This makes me mad, as when I only had two kids I used to work full time and loved it. Then I had twins and could not work. I had some very serious heart problems, got those fixed, decided to go back to college, got pregnant, (God knows how!!!! We're still wondering where the last one came from! All right! Apart from the obvious!) Then found it financially impossible to go back to work. BUT I NEVER STOP WORKING!!!!!
How can a single mum, manage to care for her children and work full time?!
Kids get the short end of the stick. It takes me all my effort to chase up after all my kids to keep them roughly on the straight and narrow, whatever that is. How can a single mum manage who rarely sees her kids? She can't win. And I'm not just talking about the young teenagers who have babies. Being a single parent can happen to any one.
So is it any wonder that the young are roaming the streets, procreating at an alarming rate, getting drunk, on drugs, attacking the innocent, vomiting in the central reservations and other peoples garden, pissing up any bush that standing. I know it sounds bleak, but you should live in our area. The gradual break down of society is a tragedy mainly for the kids as they don't have the support network they once relied on.
In the UK it pays to be unmarried rather than married.
In the UK it pays to be a single parent rather than a couple.
Money talks! And look what we're left with.