What-Truth - I agree with you completely. It is the case in the UK that the Family Tax Credit system has caused a lot of problems also, in that the government has tried to drag millions of children out of poverty by giving tax credits to families that have children, straight into the hand of the mother every week. Sadly, this system has left many thousands still struggling to survive as if there is only one person working in the family, she has to work and work and work and when does she look after her kids.
Point in case, the neighbour I started this thread with.
She must work every hour god sends starting at 4.30 in the morning. When does she get to look after her kids?
She didn't even notice that her fifteen year old daughter was pregnant until the child was rushed into hospital with a severe chest infection and the doctors informed the completely shocked mother that her child was 6 months pregnant!
This is a lady, who when not working has gone on holiday, leaving her kids at home on their own, with grandma and aunty poping in regularly to make sure they haven't killed eachother, been killed or burnt the house down.
She goes on holiday because she would probably go crazy if she didn't the hours she works. Which does not excuse her leaving the kids on their own.....but that's another story.
She remains poor, probably because of the taxes she pays and despite any tax credits she may receive. She cleans for a living.
In the 18 years I've known her she's been through more men friends than you can count.
She totally hates with a vengence the instituion of marriage.
So why are the poor poor? What will happen to this lady's children? As I said earlier, no education and already laden with children. Despite their mother's good example of working very hard, she has set a bad example in that she did not take care of them, enough. She was never there for them and now it's too late for the kids.
Society has forgotten that looking after children is also a full time job. Is it only a full time job when a stranger is doing it?
The problem in our area is that a great many very young girls are pregnant or have babys and they're not necessarily good mums either. In fact some of them are bloody rubbish.
Point in case, a little boy in my daughters class. His mum must be about twenty, and has a baby, unmarried, no obvious partner and very anorexic. She doesn't speak enough to the little boy for him to have developed good enough speech. He tries to talk to her and she just ignores him. Teachers discovered that the only meal this poor child receives is his free school dinner and he says his mum never gives him anything to eat when he goes home after school.
Should teenagers be encouraged to have children with free state handouts. Never! No money would soon cut the UKs teen pregnancy rate right down.